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My alarm went off signaling that it was morning and I had to get up even though I desperately didn't want to get out of my warm comfy bed. Though, I knew that if I didn't get up soon Barbatos would soon walk in and find a way to get me out of bed. So, I decided not today! I got out of bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom to see my hair all frizzy and eye bags from staying up late yet again last night finishing a paper that wasn't due until next week but I was bored and I decided to do it beforehand. Having my father telling me that I should get sleep now is impossible.

I took a shower and washed my hair since I didn't bother the other night. Then, I dried my hair putting it up in a simple bun (or kept it down if you have short hair) and got dressed in my uniform as usual. While I was adjusting everything to my liking I heard a knock on the door and I knew exactly who it was. Barbatos.. I groaned but walked over and opened the door before walking back to my desk to collect everything I needed for the day into my bag.

"Hey Y/n I was called by your dad to make sure you didn't fall back asleep haha but it looks like you're already awake so I'll be sure to tell him you're awake and prepping for the day," said Barbatos with the same usual smile on his face. I nodded, gave him a smile and continued my packing while he left my room to go tell father I was awake.

I finally finished packing up my work and I headed down the stairs. When I got there I put my bag down on a nearby chair before I entered the dining room where I saw my father reading a newspaper article about who knows what. I sat down across from father and took out my phone to check if I had any new emails or messages. I didn't have a lot that morning. As I was going through the few emails that caught my attention I heard dad putting down his article and I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket.

We were just randomly staring at each other for a few seconds before he started the conversation.

"Good morning Y/n," said father. I said good morning back to him while I took a sip of water.

"How was your sleep? Did you get any sleep last night like I asked you to get at last night's dinner?" asked dad.

"It was good." I lied but I knew he wouldn't believe it because one, he knows if someone is telling the truth or not and two, I have a tendency to avoid eye contact or find something to do when I'm not telling someone something honestly.

"Oh was it?" He said in that voice that says "yeah sure"

"I can never win with you huh." I said to my father that made him laugh a little.

"Nope but you can certainly try but don't get down if you finally realize I can't be beat by you," he said.

I took another sip of my water when I saw Barbatos walking in with a tea set on a tray.

"Here's your tea I will read off your schedule for the day momentarily my lord and lady," said Barbatos before he served the tea and brought the set back into the kitchen. Last night wasn't a very restful night. I was up probably until two in the morning finishing that essay for class even though it wasn't due until next Monday. What can I say I like to be ahead in my studies but of course father thinks otherwise.

"You seem more tired than usual, how long did you stay up for this time?" asked father in a concerned tone of voice. I know he hates when I don't get the correct amount of sleep.

"Until 2," I said under my breath.

"I see, well please try to get more sleep tonight ok? I hate to see you sleep deprived like this," said father.

"I know.. I'll try ok?" I said trying to reassure him. He nodded in response and we kept eating breakfast. Soon Barbatos came back with a sheet of paper in his hand and stood next to father.

"Today you have a follow up meeting with Lucifer at 10:00 am. Then in the afternoon you have a board meeting from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. That is all on your schedule for today my lord," said Barbatos.

"Ok then, thank you," said father. Then Barbatos turned to me and looked at your face.

"Y/n.. you seem pretty tired this morning," Barbatos simply said.

"Yeah.. I know," I said back to him.

"We've discussed it and we'll work on it later. Preferably after my meetings when I have some time on my hands." Said father.

"Ok," said Barbatos before he left the room.

"Say, Y/n how about you go pay a visit to Lucifer and his brothers at The House of Lamentation. You haven't seen Lucifer in a while," said father.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay and keep you company?" you asked.

"Yes I'm sure. I'll be fine," said father.

"Ok then. I guess I'll see you later," you said as you got up and went to the other room to get your bag.

"Stay safe!" said father and I answered back.

"I will bye now!" I called out before closing the door behind me and made my way to The House of Lamentation. It was a bit cold out today but it wasn't that bad. As I made my way down the street a spotted Simeon and Luke (aka the little Chihuahua) and walked over to them.

"Hey Simeon and Luke! How are you doing this fine morning?" I asked them.

"It's pretty good thank you Y/n. Just decided to go on a little stroll getting away from Purgatory Hall for a little bit," said Simeon with a smile.

"Yeah what he said. Just out on a walk, say what are you doing out here this morning?" asked Luke.

"On my way to The House of Lamentation to go say hi," you said.

"Well have a good time!" exclaimed Simeon and they walked off. With that I went on my way.

That's the end of this chapter. Hope you liked it!

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