Y/n's Past

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Y/n's past before she met the seven brothers

When I was younger I never liked making friends because I stood out too much. I was always known as "The Demon Lord's Daughter" and that title made up my sort of "personality" that started in Primary school when a girl in my class I used to be friends with told everyone I was the Demon Lord's Daughter. After that most of the kids in my class were either scared of me or disliked me because they thought I was spoiled. The truth is, I was never anything they suspected I would be. It upset me actually because I didn't understand at the time why everyone started to just ignore me. I was scared that if I told father then he would get involved and cause a problem that might affect me in the future so I just acted like everything was fine and father never really questioned it. Though inside I was confused and broken. Each day felt the same, countless eyes staring at me silently judging me or feeling bad for me. I would usually be asked to be in groups with people who did nothing expecting me to do all the work because they thought I was smarter.

There was this one time when I was pulled out of class by the teacher and she asked me this question I never expected her to ask me.

"Y/n why do I always see you doing all the work in the many groups you're in?" asked the teacher.

"I-I.. uh.... well because you know.. sometimes observational learning can be a faster way of understanding the concept more in-depth Ms. Lawson. It's ok please, I don't want you to worry about me. I'm fine." I lied to her. It was pretty easy to lie to teachers because they don't know any better. Besides this wasn't the first time I was pulled out of class by the teacher, so I pretty much know the act when it comes to those situations by now. Still it doesn't feel right lying to someone even if it was a teacher. Though thankfully none of my teachers ever told my father about this situation because they were always too busy sharing to him my achievements in school.

After that, things stayed the same ever since that day..

Sorry that this chapter of Y/n's past was short but anyways here is another chapter completed!

Kitten (Satan x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now