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The next day Merlin and Morgana started to start off the morning with some training. Merlin hadn't gotten much sleep, but he was used to it so it had little effect. At least it made it easier for him to get out of bed at dawn. He headed straight down to the training grounds (uninterrupted this time) and found that he had beaten Morgana there. He decided to lay back in the grass for a moment waiting for her to arrive.

Right as he closed his eyes his mind was taken to another place. He lying on the ground in the woods, but now he couldn't move. His eyes moved around trying to take in his surroundings. Unfortunately everything was blurry and it felt as though he had been spinning for an eternity. All he could make out was the figures of two people standing over him.

"Merlin?" Morgana shook his shoulder.

He awoke with a start. He sat up so fast he nearly hit heads with Morgana. Then, he realized where he was and calmed. The dream slowly started to fade.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah... guess I just fell asleep," he laughed. She smiled fondly at him.

"Well, you can't sleep through training. Come on, help me bring some of these dummies to life."

They animated six of the training dummies  and fought them off using swords and magic. They repeated that exercise a few times before they decided to try something more experimental.

"You know how we can both feel that other magic when we touch?" Morgana started.

"How could I forget?"

"I wonder if we could control it. What would happen if we cast a spell while we were holding hands?"

"Guess there's one way to find out," Merlin shrugged and grasped her hand.

Both of them felt the rush of magic immediately. They looked to each other and found a pile of wood in front of them. In unison they held out their hands and shouted,


Rather than just lighting a fire as usual, the spark seemed to explode. The pair took a few steps back from the huge fire before it started to die down to a regular size.

"That worked," Merlin remarked.

Morgana gave a small laugh in return. At seemingly the same moment, they both had an idea of what spell to perform next.

"Upastige draca."

Above the flames appeared two dragons the size of a small deer. They flew around each other and then around Merlin and Morgana. They both laughed watching the dragons fly around.

"How did you know I was going to cast that?" Merlin asked.

"I had that idea! It was the first thing I thought of."

"Well I guess we thought of it at the same time," Merlin chuckled.

They went back to watching the dragons fly around before-


They released hands to see Arthur approaching behind them. At the same time the dragons disappeared.

"Ah good. You're both here. I have a small mission for you two."

"A mission?" Merlin's eyebrows raised.
"And what would this mission be?"

"To go visit the druids. Although we have already officially made peace with them, I was hoping to have a more public show of our unity. I was hoping that you two could invite the Druid's leaders to a banquet a week from today. Then the kingdom can see for themselves that they are a peaceful people."

"When do we leave?" Morgana asked.

"Tomorrow morning, as soon as possible. I would suggest you pack tonight so you can complete your journey in one day."

Soon they both left to their respective chambers so they could get ready for the journey. Merlin made sure to bring some bandages and potions just in case. He also brought the magic book and the Sidhe staff. Gaius helped him also pack some food for the journey.

"Are you sure you're up to this?" Gaius asked warily.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Merlin answered distractedly.

"Merlin, I know you haven't been sleeping."

Merlin averted his eyes looking down.

"It's fine, Gaius."

"It is not fine. You already work yourself to the bone during the day and you stress yourself far too much with all the changes happening. You need rest."

"I can't sleep Gaius!" Merlin burst. He took a second to calm himself before continuing.
"When I close my eyes I see them. Every single person that I tortured and pricked at their minds for information. I hear their screams. I can see Morgana's terrified face before I nearly killed her... again!"
Merlin sat down and put his head in his hands, suddenly overcome with emotion.
"I can't sleep Gaius. I can't live that again."

"My boy," Gaius sat down next to him and put his arm around Merlin's shoulder, "You are not responsible for these things."

"But I still did them. And I still can't move past it," he said in quiet frustration. He tried to keep strong but his defenses were failing.

"Merlin, no one can simply move past things like these. It does not make you any less brave or strong. It just makes you human. Over the past few years you have been a son to me, and I am more than proud of the man you've become."

Gaius turned Merlin towards him and wrapped him in a hug. Merlin silently let a few tears flow as he grasped onto his mentor. Then, despite all then pain and the memories; despite the nightmares that plagued his waking hours, he smiled.

"Thank you."


Edith mulled around the hidden castle making sure everything was in order. Word had begun to get out that there was an attack happening on Camelot, but only to select ears. Since then many people started to turn up at the castle walls. Right now there was a few of slave traders wanting revenge and many sorcerers who's families had been killed during the Great Purge. But this was only the beginning. Soon anyone who had any quarrel with Camelot would find their way to the abandon castle. Edith's mouth turned upward in a smirk just thinking about it.

Seeing that everyone had rooms and the castle was not a complete disaster, Edith made her way up to the physician's chambers. They needed to prepare, for the downfall of Camelot was coming soon.

"Edith!" Morgouse called as Edith entered the door.
"How are preparations coming?"

"They're going well. People are just starting to arrive. Right now we have a small number, but that is good. We don't want word of our plans reaching unwanted ears."

"This is true. And more will come."

Edith found herself back at her desk. She had been looking for various potions and stones for days, but no one quite knew why.

"Do you have any update on our two sorcerers in Camelot?"

"They're getting stronger. Their combined power is like nothing I've never seen before. However, they have yet to know the extent of their powers."

"But in time they will learn," Morgouse said.

"Yes, I believe so."

"If it is as you say we cannot fight them both at once; especially not in my weakened state!"

"Don't worry my lady. I believe I may have a way to incapacitate Emrys and bring you healing. You just have to trust me."

Edith had an evil glint in her eye as she started writing in her notebook. It seemed that she had found what she was looking for.

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