
93 3 3

J- Ok let's try that lift

A- Ok this isn't that hard cos of how light you are

J- Ok you have told me that loads

They finish footwork off

J- this is going really well should we show J & D our Salsa

A- Yeah

J- K

J- Joe D

D- Yeah J

J- Do you 2 wanna see our salsa

D- Go on then

J- Ok Ali?

A- Let's do it

They show their Salsa

D- Woah! Wow!

J- What?

D- That was A.MAZ.ING

Joe/ It was

A- Really

J- You did really well Aljaz

A- Thanks Janette

D- See you guys we are going home

Joe- Yes see you over the weekend?

J- Course meet me at mine 1 O clock Saturday

A- Yep

Joe and Di leave!

A- Still on for tonight J

J- Um yeah.

A- You don't sound too sure

J- I am but are we going out as a date? Or just friends?

A- Well I think we should go on a date but it's your choice

J- Ok but can you walk me back to mine so I can get some stuff please

A- Yeah course

J- Thanks A

At Janette's

J- Ok help yourself to anything?

A- K

J. It's fine cos I live on my own

A- Same

J- Cool

J- K I'm gonna go get changed

A- Okay we are gonna go out to dinner after right?

J- Ok

A- Good go be quick

J- Kk

Rings Dianne

J- Di what do I wear

D- Show me your outfits

J- Alright

D- Omg you have a lot of short revealing dresses here

J- I know

D- You should wear this low cut short red one and crimp your hair

J- Isn't it a bit revealing

D/ Naa

J- Ok I've gotta go now C ya

D/ Bye J


A- Wow Janette you look Stunning it's very short isn't it?

J- Di told me to put it on cos you would like how low cut it is

Joanne X Jalijaz HighschoolWhere stories live. Discover now