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This is gonna be set as the last day of term

J- Hiya Miss

M- Hi Janette. Good day?

J- Yes thanks

A- Hey Janette  

J- Ok?

A- Yip. U??

J- Fine thanks

D- Hey Janette, Aljaz

J,A - Hey Di

J- Ali we need to get going we have English See ya Di

D- See ya J

A- Right let's go

J- Yep

A- Why do we have to sit opposite ends of the class

J- Dunno

A- Maybe Miss is gonna change the seating plan

J- Maybe

A-I hope

J- Same here

In class

A- Fingers Crossed

J- Yep

M- Ok Class I'm going to have a bit of a switch around at the seating plan

M- At the back left we have Janette Manrara and Aljaz Skorjanec

She assigns the rest

J- Yess

A- Yes now I can chat to you more J

J- (whispering) I love you Ali

A- (whispering) I love you too

Janette POV

I smiled as soon As Aljaz said he loved be back I felt like I shouldn't say it in class and deffo not in front of Joe and Dianne. I got a bit distracted during lesson just thinking about when I could go on another date with Aljaz then he whispered to me "do you wanna go out tonight just at mine?" "Yes" I whispered back he also said "for me to wear a very "nice" dress" by that he meant short probably a bit low cut at the front I know exactly what I'm gonna wear after our last lesson at his. Finally at last it was the holidays I was off to Aljaz's for a bit I can't wait!!!

Back to Script

J- I need to ring Dianne

J- Hi Di

D- Hey what's up?

J- Nothing but I need some dress advice

D- Ok show me what you are gonna wear

J- I was gonna wear this

Holds up a very short and cut down the centre dress with a split leg

D- Yes that's really cool J

J- Ok cool bye

D- Bye Bye

Janette POV

I am off to Aljaz's now but I'm a bit scared of my dress riding up any higher than it is already and cos I'm walking to A's I have had to put a long hoodie and some shorts over it so I don't get stared at on the way it's only a 5 min walk anyway


A- Hi J

J- Hiya

A- I thought I said look nice I put a suit on just for you

J- Oh I have I just put stuff over it to walk here

A- Oh okay

J- where can I get changed?

A- Um just use my room upstairs 2nd one to the right

J- K thanks

Janette POV

I went up to Ali's bedroom to take off my other clothes and put some fancy makeup on I did a bright red lip as well as Mascara, false eyelashes, Foundation, eyeshadow and some blusher hoping he would like it and I plaited the top part of my hair and styled the rest in loose curls because he said he loves my hair like that but I tricked him and put a hoodie over it so he would have to help me


A- Wow J love your hair and makeup

J- Thanks

A- Are you not going to take your hoodie off

J- Yeah can you help please

A- Of course

He takes her hoodie off for her

A- Woah Janette you look ...

J- I told you

A- Your dress though

J- What is it too short

A- No No I love it

J- Really

A- Yes

A- it's very skimpy

J- Is it

A- Quite

A- Can we watch a movie

J- Yesss

A- Romantic comedy ok?

J- Yas

A- Cool

Aljaz POV

While we were watching the movie I slid my hand onto her upper thigh and stroked it with my thumb she looked at me in surprise then just leant into me so I put my arm round her and kissed her hairline she cuddled into me more


A- You Ok J?

J- (lifting her head up and sitting up) I'm fine

A- Good

J- I'm not just a summer fling to you am I

A- Seriously!

J- Well

A- If i didn't like you why would I hug you and say I love you if I don't

J- I dunno it's just I've been a summer fling before

A- Oh I see

J- It's fine if you actually love me

A- J of course I love you I think about you all the time I love you loads

J- I love you more

A- No way I love you to the most

J- Never

Aljaz POV

When Janette asked if I was a summer fling I got really annoyed and starting asking why I would say I love her if I didn't but then she asks I love you back I was like I love you the most so that's when she said never and of course then I started tickling her until J said "I surrender ALI!!"

Joanne X Jalijaz HighschoolWhere stories live. Discover now