19: The Return

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"I don't want to lose you again, Geia," Dean said

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"I don't want to lose you again, Geia," Dean said.

She sat on a table, legs trembling with anxiety and nerves. Her best friend in the entire world paced, hands on his waist and sword or combing mad through his auburn hair.

"You won't Dean. I promise," she said.

The worry on his face ached her heart. She wanted to hug him again, but she glanced across the basement at Gris watching them uncertainly. Why she cared whether he was watching or not bothered her. Dean was her friend, not him.

Dean stopped in front of her and grabbed her hands. His were so warm.

"How are yuh so sure you'll be fine?" he said.

"I'll make sure of it," she said. "Look Gris said his father has come around since my resurrection. He would at least hear me out and make sure nothing happens to me."

"I should go with yuh."

"No, Dean. You can't. You must go home and prepare our family to leave. One way or another, we will leave this forsaken kingdom," she assured.

She stood and embraced him, and he did so too. He buried his face into her neck and inhaled her scent.

"I love you," he whispered.

Mageia had told herself earlier she would never let Dean go again. Yet here she was about to return to the one place she'd rather not go, without him. Maybe this was a bad idea. But then she caught eyes with Gris who looked rather disturbed by their close embrace. Then Hasana, her mother, and Dorian approached him and took his attention.

"I love you too," she said and when they were peeling apart, he kissed her cheek.

"Come back to me," he said with so much emotion a flood entered her eyes.

She backed away to regain her composure.

"Don't worry about me Dean," she said. "I'll be fine. Trust me."

His eyes were glassy, but he sniffled and turned away to regain his composure. She wished she felt the same way he felt towards her, but her heart only felt brotherly love. Rubbing her birthmark with awkwardness, she followed him back to the group. Dean grew taller as they approached and with confidence and power of a second-in-command, he stopped before the prince. Gris seemed to grow taller too as they exchanged a strong look causing Mageia to hold her breath.

"Take care of her, Yer Highness," Dean said.

Gris swallowed quickly and nodded professionally. "I will."

Mageia did feel a bit offended, having these two young men care so much about her well-being as if she couldn't take care of herself. But then she also felt honored with a tiny part of embarrassment. For Dean to break his pride and ego to do this really made her proud of him.

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