22: A King's Decree

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"Grisonce, you are okay," King Dimitri said.

"Yes, I am fine father," Gris said.

"After I received your letter from Master Joras, I knew you'd return when you got the chance. But I didn't expect you to bring Lady Mageia."

Mageia scolded within. Oh, so now I'm a lady.

"My Fairest," the King said giving her a decent nod.

"Just my lady will be fine," she said and nodded back.

"Very well," the King smiled.

Mageia wondered if she should've curtseyed instead, but Dorian didn't do anything, so she didn't too unless it was necessary. Then Prince Gideon and the beastly man sat down, and the scribes did so too. The King remained standing along with the older gentlemen.

"Where is Eron?" Gris said, agitated. "That traitor should be here to face me. He has committed so many treasons against the Crown and the Priesthood, he should be in the Doomed! But I found out you sent him to his room like he's a little boy."

"Listen Gris. We will discuss Eron's crimes later-,"

"But why? How can he proclaim he is your son without any proof?"

"He is my son," Dimitri said. Mageia could feel the King's sorrow and hated being able to do so. It was filled with so much pain, Mageia sharply inhaled and took a hesitant step back. He had a dark secret, but who didn't in the room.

Gris gawked and shook his head in pure disappointment and disgust. The anger penetrating from his body brought an unwanted awkwardness in the room. But by the unmoved faces in the room, especially the disgusted one from the gray-haired beast sitting in the corner, Mageia knew the feeling wasn't mutual. She clenched her hands hoping this would calm her magic trying to unwither.

"It can't be true," Gris said looking around at everyone, waiting for someone to say so.

"Gris," the King said as if he'd lost the strength to stay firm. "It's recorded in the Valeeran Archives. He was born a Fiisen and all soothers are to be reported. Only some of the Council knew and the Priesthood. He wasn't supposed to know either, which was declared by the Valeeran Court. And now that he knows, we had to inform them as soon as possible. And hearing about his involvement with the kidnapping of the Fairest, the death of Lord Hercones, the destruction of the palace, his ill intentions towards the Crown, and his involvement with the Queen of Sorcery as you stated in your letter, Eron will not be tried here in Ardania but taken to Ilseda for a trial."

Mageia's heart stammered with the King's shaking voice as he spoke on Eron's fate. She could sense the King cared deeply for Eron and if he was his son, he was not pleased with his actions or the possible sentence of the Valeeran Court.

"He deserves to die for what he's done," Gris said hands clenched at his sides. "I hope they execute him."

Mageia's jaw dropped but she caught it before anyone could notice. She stared at the Prince and could feel his wrath beginning to eat at his heart. This conversation was going on too long, especially watching the King fight against the need to argue back. Not only was Eron his son, but he was also Gris' brother. And she had learned too much history in her seventeen years to know sibling disputes always ended badly.

He gave an even exhale. "I am sorry Grisonce for not telling you. I was planning to tell you when you turned nineteen on the Ceremony of Princes."

"This is ridiculous," Gris said. "He almost killed me! He almost killed Limp and Dargany!"

"And he will face the consequences of that, but it won't be here in Ardania," the King said then held up a sharp hand for Gris to remain silent. "We will talk more about this later."

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