8: What's Important

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Gavin and Dean took the lead back through the encampment to the Pit where loud voices indicated everyone had gathered

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Gavin and Dean took the lead back through the encampment to the Pit where loud voices indicated everyone had gathered. But this time their curiosity and excitement dug deep into her skin and aroused her magic. She slowed her pace to catch her breath, fearing why Gris couldn't wait until she returned for him to speak with her. One thing she knew for sure, this boy was unapologetically persistent.

"Lenny, have yuh lost yer mind?" she heard Dean snap.

"Hey now, hold yourself Dean," Lenny snapped back. The 19-year-old woman confidently approached Dean and stopped him dead in his advancing tracks.

"Yuh know the rules, yet yuh break 'em."

"Yeah, if it's important, of course I'll break them."

"But yuh brought him of all people here," Dean said cutting Gris a dangerous glare that even made Mageia's heart skip a beat.

"Why don't you shut your trap and let me explain why I brought him here," she said.

"I don't care. We can't trust any of his kind," Dean said.

"Dean," Mageia managed to say but it came out with a breath. She shivered as magic simmered through her body assuring her it was ready to be used if must. Thick sweat dripped into her eyelids and her chest constricted. After her fight with Dean, she knew her magic couldn't hold back for too long.

"I'm Fair, so what? You don't trust me either, boy," Lenny barked back into his face.

"I don't think yuh heard me. I said his kind. The cruel-hearted bastards. But now, maybe we should question yer loyalty to the Lost Ones."

To Mageia's surprise Lenny gawked in shock at this accusation.

"Rules are made fer a reason," Dean said.

"We're sorry Dean," Zane said peeking from behind Gris, but only Mageia seemed to hear it.

"Come on Dean," Gavin said trying to slide in between Lenny and Dean. "Let's hear them out. He's our prince for god sakes."

"He is not my prince," Dean said. The stunned and embarrassed expression on Gris' face turned stone cold like how he looked at Eron. A look of utter dislike and superiority.

"Good 'cause he's not here for your tempered ass. He's here for Mageia," Lenny said into Dean's twisted face.

Mageia's head began to throb, and she stumbled forward. This had to stop. And she knew Lenny was just like Dean when it came to savoring confrontations.

"Stop it," she screamed just enough to cause her pounding magic to burst out in a calm wave. The energy it created nudged everyone off balance and made the leaves on the trees rustle unnaturally. Then in a flash before her eyes, the majestic purple tree appeared or rather she appeared where it was and then it was gone. Her airway sealed shut at the same moment and she gasped for air.

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