7: An Earful

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She bit down on her bottom lip to suppress the achiness of the magic beneath her skin and followed Dean through the encampment they had built over their eight years living as outcasts

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She bit down on her bottom lip to suppress the achiness of the magic beneath her skin and followed Dean through the encampment they had built over their eight years living as outcasts. One side was for the girls and the other, the boys. So, the decorations and crafted furnishings of the boys' side appeared dark and masculine with spears and weapons dangling from the trees, and toys made of sticks, rocks, and other things from nature scattered about.

Mageia inhaled the nature around her and exhaled with relief. But her mind kept wandering to Gris. He was probably upset with her for leaving him behind. A part of her didn't want to care but the other felt as if she'd betrayed him somehow. Hopefully, he will understand.

"Are yuh okay, Geia?" Dean said as they entered the clearing to his hut.

"Hmm," she said rubbing the back of her left elbow. The magic inside her arm made it feel numbed.

"Yuh don't look too good," he said.

She gave a slight chuckle, relieved that her best friend could read her like a book.

"I know. It's the magic within me. It's awake," she said not knowing how to put it.

Dean tilted his head to the side, stuck a thumb in his belt, and gripped the hilt of his short sword. His brow quivered in thought. "So, you've never felt it before? This magic..."

"No," she said sifting through memories. "When my parents were alive, I never felt a thing. Maybe at my execution – which I found out I actually died and resurrected – I may have felt some magic."

"Yuh died then too?" His brow clashed in disbelief.

She nodded. "Dawnis confirmed it."

"Dawnis? Yuh mean the fire god of life and death?" Dean said, emerald-green eyes widening in shock.

Mageia chuckled still unable to grasp hold to the fact too. "Yes, and yes. When I woke up in the Ash Room below the Diviine Temple, I felt sick and nauseated. I thought it was because of the dead bodies and everything that had happened. But that could've been the reason too. The magic awoke but eventually went dormant again."

"Well, I've always known yuh were special," he said.

"Apparently, I'm called a Fairest."

"A Fairest? What is that?"

"Old Hamino promised to bless the realm with a chosen person who will be born with magic and power to rule over the realm. Apparently, I can do more than just heal a large mass of people."

"Well, I've never heard of that before," he said.

"That's because it's forbidden to teach about it here in Ardania," she said following him to a huge fallen tree he had carved to be flat enough to comfortably sit on. "I knew about it, pieces of it. My parents taught it to me when I was young. I never pondered it until recently."

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