Ron Weasley

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Sitting at the Slytherin table, you were sure the hat put you in the wrong house. After 4 years of bullying because you were 'soft'. But hey there can be kind Slytherin's right?

But also being the quiet, shy self you are, not a lot of people actually knew you or your talents. You snapped yourself out of your thoughts and back into reality.

Potions was next, you threw your bag over your shoulder and grabbed your books that were laying on the table.

As soon as you walked out the door, your body met the ground. You whimpered as you scurried away from Draco Malfoy and his friends.

"Maybe I was met to be in Hufflepuff." You thought out loud to yourself. "Definitely not Gryffindor cause I'm not brave. Maybe Ravenclaw."

From the over side of the corridor, you saw a round faced boy with tears in his eyes, fast walking away. You ran to catch up with him.

"Hey!" You called out. He just walked faster. "Are you alright!" You yelled. You sprinted to catch up with him. "What's up?"

Needless to say he was shocked that out of everyone a Slytherin decided to talk to him. He quickly nodded.

You sighed, grabbed a pack of tissues out of your bag and handed them to him. "You can tell me what's bothering you know. I'm not like those other Slytherin's."

Instead of telling you what's wrong he asked. "Who are you?" You smiled softly.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N. You are?"

"Neville Longbottom. Why does Malfoy pick on me all the time?" He questioned. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"He just wants to look 'badassed.'" In front of his friends. He has to stoop so low just to make you miserable, so he'll feel better about himself. Besides he doesn't just pick on you. He picks on lots of people outside of his innercircle. Like that Granger girl she's smart and beautiful right? And Ron Weasley he'll do anything to stick up for his friends. Harry Potter who will do anything to keep Hogwarts and its students safe."

You finished you small speech. Then he did something you did not expect. He hugged you. "Thank you Y/N. I appreciate it." You muttered out a small your welcome and ran to class, where you were late. Neville joined you.

"I have potions to." You nodded and carried on jogging. You ran into class, crashing into a table.

"Sorry I'm late Professor!" You called out. He grunted.

"Just sit down Y/L/N." You quickly took a sheet next to red head Ron Weasley. Neville walked in, slightly out of breath. "Longbottom your late. 10 points from Gryffindor and a detention for your insolence."

Neville whimpered and slid the other side if me. Ron still looked shocked that there was a Slytherin sitting next to him.

"Sir? I was late too and you didn't take points away or give me a detention. Why?" You spoke out.

"Why?" He started in a deadly whisper. "Why? You do not ask a teacher why. Never. Do you understand me? Longbottom was later then you. Come to think of it why were the pair of you late in the first place Y/L/N." You bowed your head down. "Hmm just what I thought." His robes swept away.

"I was late because- because my friend was upset." You spoke out loud. Everyone turned to look at you.

"Friend. I didn't know you had any of them Y/L/N." Snape snapped. You nodded your head towards Neville. "Him? Out of everyone? Pull yourself together. You're a Slytherin. Do you need me to spell it out?" He shook his head. You glared at Snape. A deathly glare. He glared back. He was the first to break away.

Gryffindor's looked shocked. No one had ever been able to out glare Snape. You walked out once the lesson had finished.

"Thanks Y/N for you know. Sticking up for me." Neville called out.

"Any time Neville." You called out.

You had a free period so you grabbed a few musical instruments and got singing and playing on one of the stairs in a usually empty hallway, since you were pretty sure the Slytherin's were angry.

Once you finished your little song you were interrupted by a "Wow." From a group of Gryffindor's.

"Where'd ya learn to sing like that?" An Irish boy asked.

"Shut up Seamus! How do you play the guitar? I've always wanted to play."

"What's a guitar Dean?" Ron Weasley asked.

You chuckled at the group and passed Ron the guitar. He looked confused.

"Look." You played a few chords on the guitar, and then Ron repeated them.

"I need one of these gi cars!" He spoke.

"Guitars." Hermione corrected.

Once the small crowd departed, you carried on with your music playing.

"Hey Y/N! Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?" Ron Weasley asked in the middle of your song. You immediately stopped.

You had never been asked out anywhere before. You nodded and hugged him. He smiled, pecked your lips and skipped off, high in spirits.

You touched your lips slightly, left to your own thoughts, not even the slightest annoyed when Pansy Parkingson started teasing you.

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