Chapter One

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'You don't understand; it's not that he can't love

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'You don't understand;
it's not that he can't love

It's that he's
afraid to'


It was cold, dark, quiet. So quiet it was loud. Her body felt as if it was floating in an endless void.

'Is this what death feels like' the thought fluttered through her head.

She wasn't sure how long she was in the darkness, struggling with her thoughts when she heard it.

The small noise of a fire flickering then came the smell. The burning embers mixed with pine floated through her nose.

Her heavy eyelids slowly became lighter until finally, she opened them. Only to find a roof of straw above her.

Her mind still in a haze she slowly sat up reaching to where her fatal wound was only to find nothing but clean fabric. Looking down confused she finds herself in a dress (I searched for hours on everything about Scotland 2000 years ago and could barely find anything so please correct me if I'm wrong. Dress is pictured at beginning of the chapter)

Baffled by her discovery she stands to find herself in a very familiar room. The telltale signs of her old childhood home. Orange flames shine in the corner of her eye causing her to turn her head toward the source.

A small fire pit lays in the middle of the room providing light and heat to the small home. Before sage can explore more a warm voice brings her out of her thoughts.


Frozen sage slowly spins around in shock.

"mama athair?" (Mom dad?)


Back at the storage building

Bonnie makes her way through the halls towards the remains of the hybrid.

Muttering a few choice words under her breath the young witch gasp in horror at the sight in front of her.

A car door covered in melting ice lays by her feet, a thin layer of slush coats the floor. But that's not what shocked her no, it was the two bodies splayed next to each other. One she recognizes immediately.

Laying in a pile of blood, a small dagger in her right hand is the very same woman that was just threatening her and her friend's last week.

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