Chapter Four

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Holy shit it's been a minute. I honestly forgot what my plan with this story was so this is just gonna be me winging it. I apologize for dropping off the grid. Reading back through my first book I'm just cringing hard on half of the things I wrote and some of the plot lines. However I feel it's still salvageable so here we go. It's been a hot minute since I've watched the shadow hunters or the vampire diaries so from now on the story's gonna be a canon divergent. Enjoy!


"Oh there is one thing I forgot to mention." Magnus states.

"What's that?" Jermey questions.

"We may or may not need to make a small deal with a demon."

"What?" Everyone yells before blue hues begin to surround Magnus's body as he starts to use his magic. The others who have yet to see his power stare in shock as his once brown eyes turn a cat like yellow. As his chanting grows a strong grip takes hold of the five people.

 As his chanting grows a strong grip takes hold of the five people

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"Don't let go!" The warlock forces in between his chants.

Sage begins to thrash and scream as a strong burning sensation fills her, as though the pits of hell were burning her from the inside out.

Her own husk of a body next to her begins to glow as magnus's blue magic surrounds her. Slowly both body and soul begin to lift off the ground.

However before magnus can call upon a demon, a burst of energy emits from sages body knocking everyone down

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However before magnus can call upon a demon, a burst of energy emits from sages body knocking everyone down.

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