15. All his plan

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You looked around the room, no one moved, you looked down at your self to see if you were bleeding but you weren't "Is everyone ok?" you asked, you got an echo of 'yes' around the room.

"I think that came from downstairs" Derek stated

"Team conference room now!" Hotch ordered, you all walked to the conference room, Hotch got in locked the door and turned down the blinds, there was no one else in the office because they had all gone home.

"Hotch do you think this is Azrael. I mean he did say he would be in touch" you pointed out.

"I'm not sure... But it's safe if we all stay in here... Is Fleur ok?"

"Yeah she's asleep amazingly... God do you think this is a coincidence that our nanny has to leave on a family emergency and then this happens. This is not the situation I want my child to be in" you panicked.

"We have to think about this situation, if this is Azrael then he's entered this building which is armed to the teeth, he won't be able to get far, everyone try and stay calm" Hotch said calmly

Three Hours Later...

"This is fun" you stated sarcastically, after losing once another game of poker to Spencer.

"I suggest Spencer doesn't play" Emily suggested

"Yeah but then he'll help Y/N" Derek pointed out, as Fleur began to cry. "Or we could put him on baby duty so he doesn't help Y/N"

Spencer rolled his eyes and picked Fleur up from the strollers *BANG*. Everyone jumped "That was closer than before" Penelope squeaked, you stood up and poked your head out the door, standing near the lift was a man in a black hoody.

"Someone is near the lift, black hoodie, wearing an AK-47" you whispered closing the door quietly "Maybe he's ex-military"

"Ok here's what we're going to do... Penelope take Fleur and sit in my office, lock the doors and hide, try to keep her as quiet as possible... Derek, Rossi and JJ go round the left past Penelopes office, Spencer and Y/N go round the right, me and Emily will take a front attack"

"Is that a good idea, I mean this man wants to injure me but not kill me, that doesn't mean he won't try and kill you. Taking a front attack is extremely dangerous, what if I take the front attack alone, distract him, while you guys move" you suggest, Spencer shook his head

"That's too dangerous, you're the target!" Spencer argued (quietly)

"I understand that but his aim is to harm or torture me. If that is physically or psychologically, harming any of you would fuck me up... What's more is this guy clearly wants recognition, he likes to show off, if I'm able to talk to him, I might be able to distract him for a while" I pointed out.

"Y/Ns right, keep him talking for as long as possible" Hotch said

"Yes sir" you replied, then you turned to Spencer

"Come back to me" He whispered placing a kiss on your forehead

"Always" I kissed him and placed a kiss on Fleurs forehead. Penelope wandered into Hotch's office which was connected to the conference room.

You wandered out of the conference room with your gun in your hand pointed at the man, you looked back at the conference room several times to make it look as if the team were still in here. "Y/N finally!"

"Azrael I assume"

"That's me" He smiled "I knew you would come out! You love to be the hero!"

"Why me?"

"What do you mean?" he asked

"Why target me, I don't know you"

"You sure you don't know me? I beat the shit out of you and that bean pole, it was years ago now" He stated


"You don't remember me?"

"I mean I've been beaten up several time" you pointed out

"I think it was your first ever case with the BAU"

"Jason? Uh what was it Jason Wilson? That's impossible, Spencer shot you in the head"

"Yeah he did! Ruined my pretty face, but he didn't kill me, I was in a coma for 3 years then they tried to send me to prison but I got away. Then you became my mission" He informed you, his tone seemed cheerful

"This is definitely a surprise Jason, but what's your plan here? Because you seemed to have walked into the FBI HQ which is full of armed agents. I mean come on you have to have known your plan is stupid right?" you patronised

"I know but my plans are way bigger than this, you remember how your team was being hunted by a group of hitmen? Yeah that was all me! You remember getting shot? That was me! And this is just the start of your nightmare!" he laughed

"You're surrounded, so drop your gun!" you responded

"Or what you'll kill me? Pretty boy tried that and failed!"

"You're going to go to prison for a very long time" you smiled

"It doesn't matter where I am, this nightmare you're living right now isn't over. Even if I'm dead there have been procedures set in place!"

"Why are you telling me this?" you asked

"Because it's funny... Because no matter what you do you'll always be scared to walk down the street at night, or open the door to a stranger or leave little Fleur with a Nanny because who knows who I have working for me right? Who knows when your end will be"

"hmm interesting. Jason Wilson you're-" you began


"Jason Wilson you're under arrest for murder" you began again, as the team started moving in "You do not have to-" *BANG* you felt a sharp pain in your chest, your body fell back as you hit the ground.

*BANG* Another shot echoed through the building as Hotch shot Wilson in the arm. Spencer ran towards you his eyes filled with tears. "No, no, no Y/N can you hear me?" he asked, you nodded "where's the blood?" he asked searching your body, you smiled and tore your shirt to reveal a bullet proof vest, a smile forming on your face.

"Hotch made me wear one under my clothes the minute, he realised I became a target" You said quietly holding your chest. Spencer helped you sit up "you know these vests don't stop you from bruising" you laughed coughing afterwards. Spencer exhale loudly.

"I thought I lost you for a second" he sighed

"Never" you leaned in and kissed him. He helped you to your feet and you both walked over to Jason. Now that you were near him you could see his face. It was barely a face "I win" you said looking down at him.

"You'll never win" he smiled coughing up blood...

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