6. Winter

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It's January and freezing cold, it started snowing last night and you began to worry that Fleur would be too cold, Spencer managed to calm you down telling you about 100 different facts about how babies react to temperature and how he checked the temperature in the house and it was fine. You went to bed sceptically, and woke up several times with worry.


"Good morning you wonderful genius's how are you today?" Penelope asked walking into the house

"Penelope what are you doing here?" you asked surprised, you were happy to see her, ever since you and Spencer started your one year break you didn't see the team as much and you missed them.

"Well I came to see my 2 favourite genius's and their little baby" She replied cheerfully, "you look awful has little Fleury been keeping you awake?"

"No it's me, ever since it got really cold I've been worrying she's going to freeze to death" you responded, Spencer came down and the moment he saw Penelope he pulled her in for a hug

"well hello, Dr Reid, long time no see!" Penelope exclaimed excitedly

"it's only been 2 weeks but ok!" Spencer pointed out "so what are you doing here?"

"Can't I just be here to see my two favourite parents" Penelope sighed, you and Spencer both looked at her with the 'we don't believe you' face "ugh fine I wanted to see if you two needed a break. I can look after Fleur while you both go out together. And I get to look after my favourite little baby girl"

"Do you know how to look after a month old baby?" You asked

"Of course I do! So do you accept my offer?" She asked, you looked over at Spencer then nodded

"Yeah why not" you responded, Penelope squeaked, Spencer went up stairs to get changed leaving you and Penelope to chat as you were already dressed.

"So are you two?" She asked

"We're fine" you replied honestly, Penelope narrowed her eyes as if she was trying to extract gossip out of your brain. "You're wondering what I did after he made that comment at breakfast the other day right?"

"Well yeah, I mean I kinda already know but I want to know everything" Penelope began, you furrowed your brow, "oh sweetheart you did not wait a single second after you closed the door to scream at Spencer"

"You heard"

"I'm pretty sure the whole of the US heard. Don't worry we didn't hang around. But is everything ok now because you know even I'm not happy with him for making that comment and it wasn't even for me" Penelope stated

"I forgive him, he's fine... We're fine, it was a horrible comment but I forgave him, he's apologised over a thousand times, we're ok... He's ok" you responded

"And are you ok? I-I mean you did get shot"

"I've been through worse, I'm fine" Spencer came down stairs 2 minutes later, "so where are we going?" You asked him

"That's a surprise" Spencer replied "now Penelope are you sure you're going to be ok?"

"Yes I'll be fine, and Y/N I promise she won't freeze to death now go have fun, I'll be fine" she replied excitedly

"Good, then call us if you need anything" without a second passing Spencer pulled you out the house and into the car. It had started snowing, there was a thin layer of snow on the tree and the ground. It looked magical. Spencer drove to the top of a hill, and took you into a little cafe.

"So what's so special about this cafe" you asked

"You'll see" Spencer responded, he ordered your drinks and got you a table right by the window.  You waited for him to tell you, until he pointed out the window, you looked and that's when you realised why this cafe was so special. You could see the whole of DC from it. The snow added to the beauty of the city, it made everything look pure, and clean, it was like a scene from a movie.

"This- this is amazing" you stated in disbelief "h-how do you know about this place"

"While I was changing I searched up places not many people know about in DC and this was the first result that popped up" Spencer replied, you giggled at the thought of Spencer using Google. "So do you like it?"

"I love it" was all you could reply.

"Y/N I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have said the things I did to you... I-I can't believe I said it. I wasn't thinking, and it just slipped out" Spencer began "I can't-"

"Spencer I've already forgiven you. But" you paused "the fact it popped into your head at all suggests that it bothers you more than you think it does"

"Can we not talk about it right now?" Spencer asked nervously "I just want to be here with you, without worrying or thinking about sad things"

"Ok" you whispered sipping your coffee, Spencer lay his hand on top of yours, as you both admired the view. You sat in a comfortable silence, holding each other. You finished your coffees and left, Spencer planned to go straight back to the car but you had other plans. You picked up a ball of snow and threw it at Spencer, he turned to you in disbelief, all you could do was giggle.

"Big mistake missy" he spoke with a malicious tone to his voice. He picked up a huge ball of snow and threw it at you missing you by millimetres. This started the war, you chased each other around the street, chucking snow balls at each other, laughing and giggling uncontrollably and shouting at each other.

"Come here" you shouted as Spencer ran away from you trying to dodge your human head sized snow ball. Your foot slipped on ice and you came tumbling down to the floor. Spencer stopped and ran towards you, his face contorted from happy to extremely concerned. You didn't make a sound at first as in truth it really hurt, especially the area where you had been shot but then you burst out laughing. Spencer couched down next to you examining you. Your knees were bleeding but apart from that you were fine. "Baby I'm ok" you reassured him

"What about your stitches have they ripped?"

"No they're fine" you giggled, "look at me" you ordered, you put your gloved hand on his cheek and smiled "I'm ok" you whispered, Spencer nodded his eyes softened. You leaned in and crashed your lips against his, your cold hands cupped his cheeks. When you pulled away you put your forehead on his "I love you" you mouthed to him, he replied by doing the same.

"Let's go home. Or we'll get hypothermia" Spencer stood up holding out his hand, he pulled you up and you walked hand in hand back to his car.

When you got home Penelope had dressed Fleur in a bear costume. "oh Penelope" you giggled

"What?! She looks so cute!" she exclaimed cooing at Fleur. "So? Did you guys have fun?"

"Yes we did" you smiled, Penelope handed Spencer Fleur and kissed you both on the cheek.

"Good! Then my work here is done!" She sung happily. She threw on her pink fluffy coat and left. You and Spencer changed into your animal onesies, yours was a grey bunny and Spencers was an orange Giraffe. While you fed Fleur, Spencer made some extremely impressive hot chocolates, with mini marshmallows, whipped cream, sprinkles and chocolate powder.

"Spence I've never seen anything more beautiful than that" you giggled as he placed the drinks on the table. "What movie do you want to watch?"

"You choose, I chose last time" Spencer responded sweetly as he took fleur from your arms

"Hmm" you mused "Love actually?" you suggested, Spencer nodded. You played the movie and cuddled up together, Fleur fell asleep in Spencers arms and by the end of the movie you and Spencer fell asleep with your heads resting on each other...

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