23. The great escape

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of mental illness: Depression.

The teams POV...

Everyone rushed into the SUVS and raced to the location Penelope had sent them, it was over 45 minutes away, but with some somewhat reckless driving the team made it in 30. When they parked up they strapped their bullet proof vests on, the entered at different sides of the house.

"FBI" Derek shouted as he kicked down the front door. Suddenly a gunshot rung through out the house. It sounded as if it was coming from under them.

"Split up" Hotch ordered, "Someone's here, and my guess is that they're downstairs"

Everyone followed Hotch's orders and began to search.

Spencer POV...

A month had passed and you were beginning to go insane, you weren't sure how long you were going to be able to continue before developing psychosis. You needed to escaped and you needed to escape now. You had watched video after video of Y/n sitting by your grave talking to you. Most of the time she had Fleur with her.

You took your tooth brush and began rubbing the end against the wall, then you turned the tooth brush to the other side and grazed it against the wall so that the end became pointed. You had one chance to get this right, if you failed to, you would probably get shot and die and then you would well and truly be dead.

When your make shift knife was sharp enough, you waited for the unsub to come in. You hid behind the door as it opened, the unsub was confused when he didn't see you. In that moment you grabbed the gun out of his hand and at the same time stabbed the tooth brush into his neck, instantly severing the carotid artery.

You ran passed him with the gun in your hand and holding it up, just in case anyone else popped out of nowhere. You had no idea where you were, you were in a tunnel but you could see stairs at the end of it.

"Brad I have more footage of the woman" came a voice coming down the stairs "Brad are you down here? Brad is that you?" You pulled the trigger, hitting the man in the head, killing him instantly. You ran past him and up the stairs. You found yourself in a house. You were guessing you had been locked in a cellar. Suddenly a figure appeared, it was so dark you couldn't make out who it was.

"D-Don't move" Both you and the figure said.

"FBI put your hands up!" The figure shouted, you slowly lowered the gun, suddenly you were able to match the voice with the person.

"W-wait FBI, JJ?" you asked. JJ pulled her torch out and pointed it at you

"Oh my god, you're real." JJ ran toward him and hugged him, tears streaming down her cheek "GUYS GET DOWN HERE!" She screamed once she pulled away. Suddenly the whole team ran into the room ready for a fight but suddenly they froze.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" you chuckled at your own joke. "It's me, I'm not dead"

Hotch was the first to unfreeze, he walked towards you and embraced you, then everyone else came and joined the hug. When everyone pulled away they looked at you clearly still in shock.

"Are you hurt?" Hotch asked, you shook your head

"I'm fine, they uh looked after me, from what I know of there's two of them. One guy looked after me, the other guy stalked Y/n and filmed her, for me to watch the videos, they're both dead down there" You pointed to the cellar door. Hotch called on the radio for 2 swat agents to go down there and check, while the rest of the team walked you outside. You hadn't been outside for 7 weeks and fresh air felt great!

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