3. Mothers Instinct

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mention f drugs and drug addiction

Spencer spent almost all of his time in hospital, he only went home to shower and change his clothes. He was really struggling, and his mind went to dark places. Since being with Y/N he's been happy, Y/N unknowingly helped him whenever he was craving Dilaudid and he was so thankful that she was there for him. However now that Spencers life seemed to be crashing down on him, he began craving again, which made him feel like a terrible person even though it wasn't his fault.

Being in a hospital, surrounded by a lot of drugs wasn't helping. He fought through his craving for himself, for Y/N and his baby but it was extremely difficult. He wasn't sleeping, he was barely eating, he rarely spoke and his mood was up and down. It had been 2 weeks since Y/N was shot and although her vitals were improving she hadn't woken up and no one was sure she ever would. "Morning kid, I brought you a croissant and coffee" came Dereks voice as he entered the room, Derek had tried to stay cheery for Spencer not that it was working but it was the thought that counted

"I'm not hungry" Spencer stated flatly

"You have barely eaten all week, I don't care if you're not hungry. Eat" Derek ordered, he handed Spencer the coffee and pastry and Spencer nibbled on it. "So when is the little one getting out the incubator? It should be soon right?"

"Yeah, uh- tomorrow- she'll be moved in here to be with Y/N... Yesterday I- uh was able to touch her... Not hold her but touch her and tomorrow I should be able to hold her" Spencer replied, a soft smile appearing on his face.

"Good I can't wait to meet her!" Derek exclaimed, only Spencer and Hotch had been able to meet baby Reid, it was safer for the baby to not be around lot's of people early on, so everyone was excited to see her.

The team all sat in Y/Ns hospital room waiting excitedly for the doctor to bring in Spencer and Y/Ns daughter. "I am so excited!" Penelope squeaked. She was sitting by Y/Ns side holding her hand tightly "Y/N, your daughters coming soon" Penelope said, Y/N was still in a coma but Penelope found comfort in pretending Y/N was asleep. Minutes later Spencer and the doctor walked in with his child. The whole team smiled, looking at the tiny baby "She is so cute! Y/N your baby is adorable". The baby was in a small crib with wheels. Spencer sat in the chair next to Y/N, picked up the baby for the first time and held it in his arms.

"She's so quiet" JJ gently stroked the babys soft cheek, Derek held out his finger and let the baby hold it. Everyone cooed at the baby, until it began to cry, Spencer began rocking the baby gently. Suddenly Y/N began to move and choke on the tube down her throat, Derek ran out and got a doctor, the whole team stepped back, Spencer put his daughter in the crib and moved it away from the bed. He was unsure if Y/Ns choking was a good or bad sign. The doctor ran in immediately realising what was happening and removed the tube. The whole team watched as Y/Ns eyes fluttered open.

Y/N POV...

You opened your eyes, it took a moment for them to adjust to the bright white light. You turned your head to the side, and saw the team and Spencer all smiling at you. "Oh my god... I can- I can't believe you're awake... I thought I was going to lose you" Spencer was completely perplexed but also extremely overwhelmingly happy. He pulled you and held you tightly, he sobbed. You wrapped your arms around him and shut your eyes.

"I'm here" you whispered weakly "I'm here now". A baby behind Spencer began to cry and you pulled away to see where the cry was coming from. Spencer smiled and Derek pushed the crib towards the bed.

"This Mrs Reid is our daughter" Spencer introduced,

"It's a girl!" you eyes filled with tears of joy, Spencer lifted the baby out of the crib "I told you it was going to be a girl" you laughed as tear rolled down your cheeks, Spencer smiled brightly

"Would you like to hold her?" he asked

"Yes... yes please" Spencer handed the baby to you making sure you held her properly.

"She's two weeks old, she was in an incubator for that time but today is the first day she's been out which is perfect" Spencer pointed out

"t-two weeks... I'm sorry I can't imagine what th-that could have been like"

"It doesn't matter now" Spencer replied softly

"Yeah what matters is what you're going to name the little one" Penelope said excitedly, she smiled brightly "I liked the name you suggested before 'Fleur'"

"I like that name too" you responded

"Yeah me to! I guess that settles it... This is Fleur Morgan Hope Reid"

"Wait Morgan?" Derek asked, both you and Spencer nodded

"When we were thinking of baby names back in the villa we also considered middle names, I chose one and Spencer chose the other, I chose hope, because of all the bad stuff that was happening and Spencer chose Morgan for his best friend, it would have been Derek but I'm not sure our daughter would appreciate it" You smiled at Derek who was holding back tears.

"It's a great name for a great kid, she's a fighter like her parents" Derek replied

"It's weird, you woke up when she started crying... Maybe it's like a motherly instinct... Like it was time to wake up because your daughter needed you" Penelope stated

"Maybe" you replied softly "Thank you... all of you... I know it wasn't your plan but it is really nice to have the family here when I woke up"

After a couple of hours the team left, to give you and Spencer some space. "Why do you look worse than I do?" you asked examining the very prominent dark circles under Spencers eyes, his even messier than usual hair, his unshaved and thin face. Spencer shrugged, you moved over in the bed and patted the side "Well maybe you'll get a better sleep now that I'm awake and you don't need to worry... come on you're over due a cuddle."

Spencer climbed into the bed and cuddled you tightly, you wondered if he'd ever let you go not that you wanted him to...

I need you Dr Reid {S.R X Reader}✔︎Where stories live. Discover now