Your Back!

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*~*My POV*~*

Rose-Willow swung through the trees slicing off a chunk of meat from the unsuspecting Titans neck, sighing before landing. " My my. It's such a sad sight to see. But the way it fades away is so beautiful I just can't help myself " She said with a smile. " Lady Gillian... " Samuel said. She hummed as a response. " It's time for us to head back home now. It's been quite a while " He said. " Five years right? I wonder how my baby is doing now. He must miss me " She sighed.

" Only he will know " Samuel said. " Why are you so wise? Your just the best Sammy. " She smiled ruffling his hair. " I'd prefer you not to do that Lady Gillian " He said with a slight pout. " I forgot you can be such a baby sometimes. Where's Zak? " She asked. Someone came swinging back and landed on Samuel's horse. " Here I am! " She smiled. It was Kozakura. " What happened to your horse? " Samuel asked.

" Well, I'm fine thanks for asking, but Shirley ran off after a rotting tree fell down. " She sighed. " Well you can ride with Sammy then. " Rose-Willow said mounting her own horse. " What? Why? " Kozakura asked. " The only person I'll share a horse with is my beloved " Rose-Willow gushed. " Let's just head back to the town. " Samuel said mounting his horse.


They entered the walls, some people cheering, others still not over what had been going on in the past few weeks. Suddenly Rose-Willow stopped at the front of the lines. All the others behind her and her two guards were confused. " Can't you at least wait until everyone has arrived in the walls? " Samuel asked. " If you want them inside all you have to do is continue on like you are. I'm not gonna stop you and I don't really care. " She shrugged.

She looks around the crowd, and sees a shy little girl. She smiled and headed in that direction. " Hey little miss. I'm looking for someone do you think you could help me out? " She asked. She slowly nodded. " Well, he's got a scary face and isn't very tall. And short black hair too. " She said. The girl nodded. " He left the town for something important, but I don't know what it is " She answered quietly.

" Oh boy " Kozakura sighed, she and Samuel also get off their horses. " L-l-left huh..? After all this time he's still not here... I wonder if he's avoiding me on purpose " Rose-Willow sighed, falling back. Samuel catches her, while Kozakura is leading their three horses out of the way. " You guys... go on without me... " Rose-Willow said, looking as if she's on the verge of death. " You're gonna get through this your a big girl " Kozakura mocked her.

" Nows not the time for jokes. We should just help her home. She'll soon realize he will in fact come back in a matter of time " Samuel said. " I know. Anyways let's just go. " She sighed dragging the horses off.


" I swear I don't understand her. How can she be so obsessed with him? " Kozakura asked. " I don't know. But if he's important to her then he's important to me " Samuel sighed. " Don't turn it into a triangle now " Kozakura smirked. " Nonsense. I dislike him. His ways are very cruel and also I'm not fond of that attitude of his " Samuel scoffed. " But you just said he's important to you " Kozakura raised a brow.

" He is. But I do not have to like him, just acknowledge his importance " Samuel said. " Your loyalty to Row is second to none. I don't think I've seen anyone like you " Kozakura sighed. " Please refrain from talking so loud. You'll wake her and give her the false hope that he's returned " Samuel sighed. " Fine fine. I'll go out and get some food " Kozakura groaned walking out.

~A week later~

Everyone was lined up at the gates. " I hope everything went well. They've been gone for a long time. A week longer then it should've been for me to see my beloved. " Rose-Willow said, looking. She sees them walking in, Levi in the front. A lot of them were injured. She started biting her fingers. " What should I do. I can't help but wanna go up and hug him. But I don't know the situation and the air kinda feels heavy. " She said. " Maybe seeing your face will make him happy..? " Samuel suggests.

" That's a good point! I always smile to brighten up the day " She said. She quickly tries to catch up to where he is. " Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry. Pardon me " She said pushing her way through. " Hey! Darling~ " She said, jumping up to hug him. He catches her and ends up holding her bridal style. " Your back. What do you want? " He asked. " I just wanted to see you after such a long time. I missed you! It's been five years already " She pouts.

" Not long enough " He said. " No fair! You're way to mean to me. " She said. " Also, if you didn't miss me, why are you carrying me like this? " She asked with a cheeky smirk. " It's because if I drop you you'll complain about it and you already talk too much " He said. " Oh well. So did everything go okay? I was worried but I knew you can handle yourself " She said. He sighed. " We did lose 27. And most of us came back injured " He said. She almost frowned but catches it and keeps up her smile.

" Still doing that Huh? You know it didn't make me feel better " He said. " I'm sorry that you care so much about everyone but won't even batten an eyelash for me " She scoffed. Everyone was a bit confused.

Are they dating?

They seem close

He's still holding her

They're cute

I totally ship them

Levi rolled his eyes. " Just so you know, I totally ship us too " Rose-Willow winked. " I hope the boat sinks " He said. " How can you be so heartless? Your lucky that's one of the reasons I fell for you. My cold prince " She said leaning her head on his shoulder. She ended up falling asleep. I'm the one who just got back from a mission yet she's been here for a week just doing nothing but waiting. How is she tired? Levi thought annoyed.

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