Usual Routine

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*~*My POV*~*

Eren, Armin, Mikasa, and Historia all walk around walking. Suddenly they're stopped by Rose-Willow, who was dragging Levi everywhere with her. " Hey. You're some of the rookies right? " She asked. " Uh yeah. " Eren said. " Alright I think I got this. Eren, Mikasa, Armin and... Crysta. Oh, I mean Historia. " She said, pointing to each one. " Please call me Crysta. I don't want to many people surrounding me. " She said.

" Awesome! I told you I can do it! " She said to Levi. " Let me go " He said. " Nope! Anyways, how's this idiot treating you? I bet he's scary " She said. " Well... " Eren said, scratching his cheek. " I know. But don't take it to heart. He's actually a big softie " She winked. " Hey, Crysta. " She said wrapping her arm around her. " Let me tell you about the time me and Levi... " She said, she started whispering, moving her hands to be a few inches apart but then making the distance greater.

With each second Historia's face grows even more red. " Stop spreading vulgar lies. I can read your lips idiot " Levi sighed. " Okay so maybe a little bit— " Rose-Willow was cut off by Levi. " All " He corrected. " A lot— " She was cut off again. " All " He said. " Most— " She was cut off a third time. " ALL " He said. " 'All' of it was made up. But a lot of that stuff came from a dream which technically makes it real " She shrugged.

" I can't believe she just made it up... " Historia said, flustered. " What'd she say? " Armin asked, making her face turn a couple shades darker. " C'mon! We've got some more meetings in order. " She smiled, dragging him along. Levi looked at the others mouthing 'Stay away from her at all costs' before he was out of their sights. " My my. Young love is so beautiful " Hange said. " Wait, those two are a couple? " Armin asked.

" Something like that " She shrugged. Historia face blew smoke. " So those things she said.... " She blushed. " Whatever she said it probably came from a dream. " She said. " Now c'mon kids! Let's go before we missed the show! " She said running off. They followed after her. " What show?! " Armin asked. " Don't you think it's weird how they were both in uniform but didn't have their ODM gear? " She asked. They remember.

" Right. Why? Is it their day off or something? " Eren asked. " Even so, why would they be wearing their uniform? " Mikasa asked. Armin thought. " To fight! " He said. " Bingo! " Hange said. " The uniform is designed especially for being able to move around easily. " She said. " Who are they fighting though? Is it serious? " Eren asked. " I doubt it. If it truly was serious they'd have their gear " Hange said.

She stopped where they found the two. " We made it just in time " She smiled. Suddenly, Rose-Willow attacked Levi, trying to punch him in the back of the head. He moved his head to the side, grabbing her wrist and flipping her over. She lands on her feet, sliding back and bit while she uses her hand to try and catch herself on the ground. " Did she just try to knock him out?! " Armin asked. " Wait, I thought she liked him! " Eren thought.

" Yup! They're said to be the most likely to become either sworn enemies, or passionate lovers! " She said. Rose-Willow runs, and jumps over him. " She missed?! " Eren asked. " Not quite " Hange smirked. When she almost got completely over him, she rests her legs on his shoulders and wraps her feet around his neck. She puts her hand on the ground, and flips over, so he will be slammed face first into the ground.

Before then, he puts his feet down and grabs her ankles and spun her around a bit before letting go. " Are they trying to kill eachother?! " Eren asked. " No. If they were then there would be a lot more blood then there is now, which is none. Right now it's just some friendly fire " Hange shrugged. Rose-Willow grabbed into a lamp post and then spins back around and lands in front of him. There more hitting and dodging and blocking.

" I guess people don't really care about fights here... " Armin said, noticing how Everyone around them was just ignoring them. " They did. But these two do this every time they're together. They were also at the top when they graduated from the cadet corps. They seem to be rivals but madly in love with each other " Hange explained. " I don't think he seems like he's in love with her... " Eren sweat dropped." It could go either way. " Hange said.

Suddenly Erwin came, stopping both of them from fighting. " Really? This again? You do this all the time why can't you take a break? " He sighed. " It's fun " Rose-Willow smiled. " You don't want to hurt the people you love do you? " He asked. Rose-Willow pouts and looks away, but she was stopping. Levi looked away as well. " Aw man! Erwin always has to ruin it " Hange complained. " Now stop disrupting the peace " He said, before walking away.

" So my love! How about a date then instead of fighting? " She asked wrapping her arms around him. " No " He said. " Awesome Let's go " She said happily. " Do you have wax in your ears? I said no " He said. " Oh c'mon! One date won't hurt! " She said. " Who knows it may kill me " He said. " Please " She said making puppy dog eyes. They were staring dead at eachother. " Stop making that stupid face. " He said. " No! You won't go on a date with me " She whined hugging him tightly.

" Get off! " He said. " Nope! " She said. He sighed. " I don't have time for your bullshit " He said." I have all the time in the world. " She smiled. He ended up walking away with her on his back. " Somehow I think it worked itself out " Hange smiled. " I don't think Captain Levi actually likes her back " Eren said. " Not true. " Hange said, now they were all walking back. " See, do you remember when Commander Erwin came and broke up the fight? What did he say? " She asked.

" He said 'You do this all the time why can't you take a break' " Eren said. " The other thing " Hange said. " Oh! He said 'You don't want to hurt the people you love do you' " Historia said. " And what did Levi say to that? " She asked. " He didn't respond " Mikasa said. " Which means...? " Hange asked. " Woah, so he actually is in love with her! " Historia said. " Let's not get carried away. You don't have to be in love with someone to love them. It's possible he sees her a close friend or little sister instead of lover " Hange explained.

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