Taking Care Of Me

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*~*My POV*~*

Rose-Willow swung through the trees, only using one of her lines. Killing Titans back to back like everyone else. " I know she's one of the top scouts but her style is really reckless. Too close for comfort sometimes " Armin sweat drops. " Yep. That's just how she is. " Kozakura sighed. " I tell her not to but it won't work. She never listens " Samuel said. " Reminds me of someone " Levi said eying Mikasa. " But isn't it too dangerous to only use one line? " Armin asked.

" The danger is why she does it. For some reason that shit gets her off. The worse it is for her the happier she is " Levi explained. Suddenly Rose-Willow felt her whole body pulse. Then something weird happened. She used both of her lines. To hold herself up. She wasn't moving. " Woah, is she okay? " Armin asked. " Lady Gillian! " Samuel called. A Titan was coming and he was too far away to get to her, and moving in the other direction at that.

" Hey! This isn't the time to be so reckless!! Snap out of it this is serious. " Kozakura shouted. She didn't respond. It was like she was ignoring them. Levi quickly came and slices his hand off, spinning around his arm and then cuts the nape of his neck. He catches her and pulls her along with him. " Have you got your head so far up your ass that you can't hear? " He asked. She didn't respond " Hey! I'm talking to you! What the hells your problem? " He asked.

He turn to see her face, she was out cold. " Tch! Did you hit your head or something? Snap the hell out of it! " He said. Mikasa and Ida finished off the last two in their vicinity and then regrouped.

~A bit later~

She was laying down on the ground, using her cloak as a pillow and Levi's as a blanket. " She's running a high fever. " Armin said. " Did the moron eat some wild berries? " Levi asked leaning on a tree with his arms crossed. " Not likely. It seems she's been drugged. These Symptoms are from a drug called Abstentine. It shouldn't be too much of a bother. She just needs some rest and lots of water. She'll heal in about a day. How she got exposed to it I'm not entirely sure. " Hange said.

" Alright. Continue. Hange is the lead for now. We'll catch up with you later. " Levi said. " You're watching over your girlfriend huh? Trying to score some alone time. " Hange said wiggling her eyebrows. " Stop joking around. I'm watching after her because Mikasa and I are the only two who can, however she's attached to Eren and I don't want to leave to many of us behind. So go " He said. " Yes sir! " They all said simultaneously before heading out.

Suddenly Rose-Willow grabbed onto his shirt. " Below hah..! Hah...! Hah..! " She breathed heavily. " Calm down. You're breathing too hard " He said trying to remove her hand from his shirt. " My house! Hah! Hah! Under.. Those.. those... those guys are there..! " She pants. " What guys? Who's there? " He asked. " They did this..! Hah! Hah! Drug...! Hah! Hah! " She said, before passing out again. " Dammit! I told you to calm down! " He said.


Rose snapped up, she suddenly was full of energy. " Alright! I'm ready to take down the baddies! Let's go! " She said. " What the hell are you doing? " He asked. " I'm.. going... spinning... " She said, falling backwards. He catches her. " 8 Levi's? No 4... No 2... " She said. " You got vertigo from getting up to fast huh moron? " He asked. " We have to hurry and get home. Nails. Nose Hair. Skin. Everything is just dying to be removed from them. I want to see how much they— " Levi cut her off.

" Torture talker, take a nap. " He said. " Oh, okay whatever you say my love " She said before drifting off to sleep. " You're still an idiot even when your sick? Do you ever take a break? It's starting to piss me off " He sighed. They were there for a few hours, until he saw the yellow smoke signal. " They completed the mission, that's good. I wonder if there really was a digging Titan " Rose-Willow said. " We'll know soon since they'll be heading this way. How ya feeling? " He asked.

" Seeing your face has cured my fever " She smiled, before coughing a little. " Cured huh? " He asked. " I don't feel sick at least " She said.


" Captain Levi! " Eren said bursting open the door. He was sitting with commander Pyxis and Erwin, talking about something. " Sorry for the interrupting " He said saluting them. " It's fine. What is it? " Levi asked. " It's Rose-Willow. Her fever got worse and she won't let any of the nurses treat her. And she keeps saying your name. Hange told me to come and get you " He said. " Always a pain in my ass " He sighed, walking out with Eren.


Eren opens the door, and Levi walks in. She was standing up and on guard. The others were surrounding her. Then she noticed Levi. " My love! " She said happily. Trying to run but she fell flat on her face. " You barely have enough energy to stand let alone run. What the hell are you doing anyways? Aren't you sick? " He asked. " But I missed you!! You left me all alone in this hospital room " She said sitting up. " You're so annoying " He sighed. He picked her up by her shirt and tossed her onto the bed.

He pulled the covers up over her entire body. Rose-Willow pulled them off her face. " Stay in bed or I'll kill tie you down myself " He ordered. She pouts. " But it's so boring " She muttered. " You won't be bored when you're dead will you? " He asked. " No. I'll have fun haunting you " She grinned. He flicked her forehead. " Ow! " She said. " Go to sleep " He ordered. " Okay.. " She said, closing her eyes. It was that easy for him?! They all thought.

~The next Day~

They were all hanging out Rose-Willow in her hospital room. Then an idea pops into her head. She walks over to Levi. " I'm tired. Goodnight " She said sitting down on his lap and drifts off to sleep. " Idiot. Sleep on a bed, not my lap " Everyone stared intently at them, to see what Levi would do. He picked her up bridal style and walked back to the bed, they never took their eyes off him.

He stood a few inches away from it. They all leaned in. He just dropped her, onto the floor. " Ow! " She said rubbing her head. " Sorry. I was a little too far away from the bed and you hit the floor " He said. They all sighed. " Give him an inch and he takes a centimeter " Hange sighed.

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