The Party

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*~*My POV*~*

" All wrong! Connie! Sasha stop joking around!! " Rose-Willow said knocking their heads together. " Why do we even have to learn this dance anyways? " Connie asked. " Because I said so! " She said. " She doesn't know what Erwin wants for his birthday " Levi said. " Shut up! " She said to him. " Why not just ask? " Sasha asked. " Because that'll ruin the surprise. And in any case, this dance isn't hard. You're all just idiots " She said. They looked at the others:

-Eren and Mikasa
-Armin and Historia
-Jon and Lina
-Samuel and Kozakura
-Louis and Ida
-Aaron and no one

" Aaron's doing the best and he doesn't even have a partner " She sighed. " I should in some time. She'll be here right about... " He said looking at the clock. The door opens, revealing a girl with long brown hair tied into a bun and green eyes. " Hi. My name is Lyra Krusa. I'm Aaron's friend, I'm here to dance. " She waved. Then her eyes set on Levi. " Woah! You're Captain Levi right?! Your so cool! I never thought I'd get to meet you!! " She said excitedly running over to him.

" And you're pretty noisy " He sighed. " Sorry. I get that a lot " She said, blushing. " Okay now that you've met him go meet your partner " Rose-Willow said pushing her over to Aaron. Hange went over to her. " But I wanted to ask some questions. " Lyra said. " No time for questions we need to rehearse. We only have a week. " She huffed. " Rosey, you're as green as the girls eyes right now " Hange said wrapping her arm around her shoulder. " What's mine is mine " She pouts.

" Hey, why doesn't Hange have to dance? " Connie asked. " Hange has two left feet. She's way too clumsy and I can't let her mess this up for us. So she's helping out with other things. All you guys need do worry about is the dance. Darling, come let's show them. " She said. Levi sighed and pushed himself off the wall. They start the dance, everyone watches with awe. " They're so elegant and graceful. " Historia said. " Like floating on clouds " Armin said.

" What's all the commotion in here? " Erwin asked opening the door. Rose-Willow suddenly tackled Levi. " Sir! " They all said, soluting him. " Get off me moron! " Levi said. " Sorry. It was a reflex " She said rubbing the back of her head. " Are you two fighting again? " Erwin asked. " Something like that. " Rose said standing up, she dusted herself off. " We were just talking in here Erwin so there's really no need to worry " Hange said. " Wait I thought we were da— " Lyra was saying but Aaron covered her mouth.

" Doing what? " Erwin asked. " We were.. um... Daring sir! " Sasha said. " Daring? " He asked. " Yeah. Daring eachother. And Rose's was to tackle Captain Levi " Connie said. " Oh. I guess having a bit of fun is fine. " He chuckled before leaving. They all let out a sigh of relief. " You can't tell him. This is a surprise " Aaron said. Lyra nodded. " Darling, since we were daring. I dare you to kiss me. " Rose-Willow smiled. He sighed. " Okay. " He said. " Oh c'mon plea— wait what? " She asked. " I'm not a coward " He said, walking closer to her.

She kept backing up her face was bright red. " I-I'm sorry it was just a joke... " She said. He sighed. " I know. " He said. " Y-you what? " She asked. " I knew you were kidding " He said. " You stupid! Annoying! Jerk face! Asshole! " She said punching him. " Can we just get this practice shit over with? " He asked. " Oh yeah. Anyways, you need coordination. So let me start with your flaws cause you've got a lot " She said. " One at a time. Starting with Eren and Mikasa " She said.

" Uh— yes ma'am " Eren said. They started the dance. " Eren! Wrong foot! " She said. " R-right sorry " He said. " Mikasa your too stiff! Loosen up your shoulders! " She said. She nodded. " Good. Looks a little better. Next is Armin and Historia " She said. They went to the middle of the floor and started dancing. " Armin your shaking too much. Relax it's just your friends watching you now " She said. " Historia, keep your back up straighter " She said. Historia nodded. " Looking great. Next is Jon and Lina " She said.

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