School Drama

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Elena POV: I woke up to the sound of my alarm, so Jeremy didn't have to wake me up. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I grabbed my diary from my little night stand.

Dear Diary,

Last night wasn't so bad, I got to meet a nice family. And I got to know a little about Stefan and Damon. Their both kind and smart, and they know what their going to do with their lives. However, I feel like their hiding something from me.

          Sincerely, Elena

I ran downstairs to grab an apple, and ran to my car. With my ignition on, I waited for Jeremy to come outside. Chewing on my apple, a knock was on my car window. Frightening me, I rolled it down. "Uhh hey Elena." Stefan said to me. Crouching down, so he could see me through the window. "I was wondering if you could give me a ride to school, cause my car is in the shop right now. And my brother Damon, he uhh left to school." He said to me. I don't know what to whether to let him in my car or not. But my mouth had already spoken, "sure hop on in." I said. He smiled, making his way towards the passenger seat. As he got in, I turned up the music. Trying to avoid looking at him, hoping Jeremy would already come out. "It was nice getting to know your family last night." I said to him. His eyebrows grow higher, "Oh yea my families not all that great like yours." He said. It went silent again, and then I saw Jeremy. He vamp. speed towards my car, and opened the door. Oh my god, I hope Stefan didn't see that. "Sup bro?" Jer said to Stefan. As their knuckles press into each other, "Sup Jer? You ready for practice?" He said to him. "Ready as I'll ever be." He said smiling. I backed out of the car, when suddenly the ignition died. "Damn it!!" I hissed. Getting out of the car, popping the front of the hood to my car. Steam comes out, heat being sprayed at my face. I touch the little pipes that help my engine running, when I suddenly burn my finger. "Ouch!! God damn it!!" I said. "You ok?" Stefan said. As he closed the door to my car, making his way towards me. "Umm yea, I'm totally fine. It's just a burn that's all." I said. Hiding my big red mark on my left hand, probably about to bleed any second now. "Here let me see." He said to me. I showed him my red blistered hand, embarrassed because I was a vampire. I shouldn't have to feel pain, I heal very fast. He goes back into the car, and brings back a water bottle. Even though I knew my injury would heal, I still let him help me. He opens the cap, poring cold water on to the blistered. And then he takes out a band aid from his pocket, adding it gently to my blistered. "Thanks." I said. He smiled at me, his perfect dimples being shown on his face. "Your welcome." He said. Everything stopped around us, our eyes looking at each other. "Hey, were going to be late Elena. Will you hurry the hell up." Jer said. I snapped out of our moment, closing the hood of my car. "Yea we should umm get going." I said. We both got into the car and left to the school.  Sadly, we were late to school. But that didn't matter to me, because of my moment with Stefan. I couldn't stop day dreaming about Stefan, even though he was sitting next to me right now. Something about him, pulls me in. "Hey you ok?" Stefan says. Bringing me back to reality, "Umm yea I'm fine." I said. Trying to act natural around him, even though I was daydreaming about him like 2 minutes ago. Class had ended, walking to my locker. What am I doing? I spent the whole class period daydreaming about Stefan. This is completely not my character, I'm not supposed to have crushes now. I just started school, I can't have a crush already. I went to the bathroom, to wash my face off. When suddenly, a girl bumps into me. "Watch where your going." She said. More girls came in, I think it was her group. "Sorry." I said in a sarcastic voice. I didn't even bump into her, she bumped into me. "Next time watch where your going." She said rudely. Rolling my eyes, "Well maybe if you were watching where your walking, then we wouldn't have this problem now would we?" I said sarcastically. "Who the hell do you think you are? Talking to me like that?" She said. "What? Am I supposed to be scared of you? Listen I don't got time for little girl problems, so excuse me while I get to class." I said rudely. "Oh no, where the hell do you think your going?" She said. "I just told you barley a minute ago, clearly someone wasn't listening." I said. Whoever this girl was, she was getting annoying. Trying to walk out of the bathroom, two of her girls blocked my exit. "Your not going anywhere." She said. I knew what was going to happen, she was going to "beat" me up. I turned towards her, waiting for her to throw the first punch. Which she did, her little fist trying to hit my face. However, it didn't. I grabbed onto her fist, and squeezed the hell out of it. Until I could hear her fingers break. She screamed in pain, trying to hit me with her other hand. Of course, I stopped that one two. Screaming louder now, she fell to the ground in pain. All her friends began making a circle around me, getting ready to jump me. As one girl stood near a corner, recording on what was about to happen. One girl on my right punched my face, giving her a harder punch back to her face. Two girls on my left jumped on me, but I threw them off me. It was a rumble, all the girls against me. Anger and rage, shooting through my whole body. All the girls were down, only me standing. Blood everywhere, from them bleeding from the noses. They all were in pain, crying like babies.

Stefan POV: It's been 20 minutes, and Elena hasn't shown up. Until a girl walks in, "Mrs. Knutson!!! You have to come to the girls bathroom!! Theirs a girl fight going on!!" The girl said. Leaving the classroom, everyone started to gossip. Wondering what was going on, Mrs. Knutson left to the girls bathroom. Of course, everyone ran outside to follow. I ran towards the girls bathroom, making my way through the front. I see Mrs. Knutson holding someone's arm, guiding her to the office. I finally realized it was Elena, but her eyes were different. They were black, and little red veins trickle down like little lighting bolts. That was weird? I've never seen Elena's eyes do that. Even more important, was she the one who got into a fight? Everyone came back into the class, gossiping about what had happened. "Duude look!!" I guy said. Everyone gathered around him, looking at his phone. Someone in the girls bathroom recorded the whole fight, watching on what was about to happen. Elena was in the middle, as the rest of the girls circled her. How unfair, Elena against all those girls. Elena was fighting Kianna, one of the most popular girls in our school. Watching as Elena breaks both of Kianna's hands, hearing her scream in pain. Elena was very strong, from the looks of it. What made me more intrigued was Elena fighting all the girls who were circulating her, fight them like it was nothing. 2 minutes into the video, all the girls were on the ground bleeding from the nose. Elena is really strong, maybe a little too strong. But what made me question, was her eyes. Her eyes showing so much darkness and rage, just wondering if they were contacts. Making me question, what was going on with Elena?

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