A Vampire Relationship

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Stefan POV: I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window, and the suns rays hitting my bed. Although it  just wasn't another typical day, it was official today. Elena and I were boyfriend and girlfriend, it felt good. I ran downstairs, only to find Damon eating a bowl of cereal on the island. "Someone looks happy?" He said. While pouring a cup of orange juice, "Well today is something special." I said. Trying to give him a hint. "Likee? God damn it Stefan just tell me what the hell today is?" He said. After taking a sip, "Me and Elena are dating." I happily said. His eyes widened, he drops his spoon. Splashing little droplets of milk on the table, "What?!!" He said. "I said-" he didn't let me finish. He got up and left out the door, that was weird. I went towards my locker, waiting for Elena to show up. When I saw her face turn to the corner, she looked at me. "Hey." She said. "Hey." I returned back. "About last night...I umm how I said-" I stopped her. By putting my lips on to hers, "Your my girlfriend now...that's what happened last night." I said confidently. She looked up at me, with her brown eyes. "Yea....I know that...I just want to take it slow." She said. I smiled, hugging her. "Ok will take it slow." I said. Her eyes looked at mine, "I uhh..I'll see you in class ok." She said in a rush.

Elena POV: Before I could leave, Stefan reeled me into him, "We go together." He said. His fingers intertwined with mine, we headed towards the class. I really wanted to take it slow, because what happened in Vegas. It still haunts me to what I did to the one I loved in Vegas, that's why I don't want it to happen again to Stefan. We sat down in our seats, as I took out my notebook. I could tell he was staring at me, "Stefan I can't focus with you looking at me." I said. He giggled, "Sorry It's kind of hard trying to take my eyes off of you....since your my girlfriend now." He said. God, even when he says that. Makes me feel good up inside, because I know he was my boyfriend. I gave him a smile, and proceeded on writing notes. "Elena?" He said. I turned towards him. "What?" I whispered. "I uhh dropped my pencil, can you get it for me?" He asked. Rolling my eyes I bent over and grabbed it, giving it back to him. When I sit back up, I see 2 movie tickets. "Stefan, what the hell is this?" I said. He giggled "Were taking it slow, so I here by officially ask you on our first date." He said. He grabbed the tickets, knelt down on one knee and said "Elena Gilbert, will you do me the honors of coming to the movies with me this Saturday?" He said romantically. I felt my blood rushing everywhere around my body, my hands getting warm. "Stefan were in the middle of class." I said. He just stayed there, not moving an inch. "Okay I will, now can you please stand up?" I said. Embarassed, yet nervous. He stood up from his knee, and sat back down. This guy can never give me a break, but it was cute. After class ended, I went straight towards my next class, until I saw Bonnie. "Hey Bonnie?" I said. "Elena hi? Will you be able to work today?" She asked me. "Yup, I'll be at the store right after school." I said. "Great, and can I ask you a question?" She asked me. "Sure, what's up?" I said. "Well there this new kid that came into my class, and well I think he's kind of cute. But I don't know how to talk to him." She spat out. "Oooo what's his name?" I asked. "Jermey." She simply replied back. My eyes widened, "Wait...Jeremy Gilbert?" I asked. "Yup that's him." She said happily. I laughed, "Bonnie I think you have a crush on my brother." I said. Her eyes widened, then she blushed. "Oh my god, Elena I'll totally back off your brother if you think that's weird." She said. "No no, I think its adorable. This builds a better relationship between me and you." I said. She giggled, "thanks Elena." She said. We hugged and went our separate ways. After school, I told Stefan I would meet him at home. When I reached Bonnie's store, I began working. From organizing books, to dusting shelves. I got a say, this was a dirty book store. While trying to dust some shelves in the back of the store, the front bell rang. I put the books down, and headed towards the front. "Hello?" I said. But when I made it to the front, no one was there. "Hello? Anyone there?" I said again. No answer, just complete silence. As I turned my heels, I heard noise coming from the back. I vamp. speed, reaching the back. No one, just my shadow. "Boooo!!!" Someone screamed out. I couldn't control it, my fangs had came out. But when I pinned the person, it was Stefan. He was frozen, not showing any sign of breathing. I retracted my fangs, letting go of his shirt. I backed away, I know what was going to happen next. Stefan was going to run away from me, and tell everyone. Then break up with me, and then kill me. I tried to run away, but he grabbed onto me. "Why didn't you tell me?" He said. What did he just say? Right now, he should be running. Like the rest in Vegas did. "Elena, why didn't you tell me you were a vampire?" He asked. How did he know? In fact, who told? Probably Jeremy, he never keeps his mouth shut. "How do you know? Who....who....who told you?" I said. How does he know what I was? How did he come to that conclusion so fast? "I'm a.....vampire too." He said. I stood there, breathless. Was he lying? Stefan a vampire? I would have known when I met him, did I miss something? "Your a vampire too?" I said. How did I miss this? I gotta say, he's really good at going under cover. "Wait if your a vampire, does that mean.....your whole family is as well?" I asked. We walked, and sat down at a table. Him and front of me, holding my hands on the table. "Yes, we thought we were the last of our kind, but we were wrong. Is there more of you?" He asked. "Ummm we don't know, we thought we were the last one's as well. That's why my family moved here, the Hunters are looking for us." I said. "Well I guess we were both wrong." He said. I still wanted to know something, how did he know I was a vampire? "How did you know I was a vampire?" I asked. He giggled, "Well for starters, your eyes. When you came out of the girls bathroom...yours eyes told me everything. But I didn't want to believe it, I wanted to make sure. I don't want to come up to you and ask if you were a vampire. You would have thought I was crazy or something." He said. I laughed, leaned forward and kissed him. After letting go, "Who said you weren't crazy?" I said. He laughed, "Elena, now that we know were both vampires. We don't have to act awkward around each other." He said. "Whaattt we do not act weird around each other." I said. "Elena, you blush every time you see me. Just admit you can't stop thinking about me in your dreams." He said. This guy knew me, inside and out. "Ok, I promise I won't be akward. And I don't think about you in my dreams." I spat back. I stood up, putting a book in a shelf. When I turn around, Stefan put his arm on the book shelf. The other one on my waist, his face almost touching my nose. My heart was aching, but in a good way. Here were are once again, face to face. He licked his lips, as I see his eyes look at my lips. "Are you sure about that? My name is probably stuck in your mind, why do you refuse to admit it?" He said in a sexy voice. God I couldn't do this, it was true. I would dream about Stefan. "The store is closing, you need to go." I said nervous. I slid under his grasp, and towards the front counter. "Let's make a deal, I'll tell you my answer to your question. If.....we both make a commitment." I said. He put his hands on the counter, and leaned in. "Ok, what's the commitment?" He asked. At first, I wanted it to be a good commitment. "If you want me and you to work out, or have a healthy relationship. We both tell each other everything. All our secrets, trust is what I want in our relationship Stefan." I said confidently. He was quiet, then smiled. "Deal, and my commitment is. I have to protect you at all times, no matter what. You do the same for me ok?" He asked. Making me smile even more, "Deal Mr. Salvatore." I said. He leaned in and tried to kiss me, when Bonnie came through the door. Caroline came in as well, both looking at us. "Oh Elena, I see you and the customer are......interacting." she said. "He was just saying goodbye. Goodbye Stefan." I said. He looked up at me, confused. "Ummm bye Elena. And thank you for inspiration. I'll be coming here everyday now to learn about the history of our town." He said in a sarcastic tone. Rolling my eyes, I pushed him out the door. Locked the door and turned around, only to find them staring and smiling at me. My back leaned against the door, my arms folded. "What?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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