The Magcon Kids

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{PHOEBE POV} (Phoebe is pronouced Fee-Bee)

"Wake up first day of high school!" my dad Jack Gilinsky said.

"No." I groaned.

"Hey Blake, Cassidy, David, Leiya, Jason, Jonathan, Jae, Marie, Owen, Denise, Daniel, and Quinn will be there." he said.

I'm Phoebe Jack Gilinsky's kid and I'm 15.

Blake is Haye's kid, he's fourteen and I like him, he's outgoing, funny, and the sweetest guy I know.

Cassidy is 17 and Leiya is 17, Cameron's kids, Cassidy is so sweet and Leiya is really nice but she always reads and studies.

Marie is 15 and Jae is 16, Matthew's kids, Marie is my best friend and Jae is an ass sometimes but overall he's super nice.

Denise is 15 and Owen is 16, Shawn's kids, Denise is nice but she's always on her phone.

Jason is 15, he's my best guy friend and Aaron's kid.

Daniel is 15, he loves to have fun and mess around, I think he's cute but I like Blake alot more, he's Taylor's kid.

Quinn is 17, she's a beauty guru on youtube, Carter's kid.

Jonathan is 15, he's really sweet and funny, Nash's kid.

And lastly my butt hole brother David he's 17, I love him but he always teases me like any brother, girls look at him like he's a piece of meat, basically he's a ladies man.

"Fine." I groaned.

I got up out of bed and took a shower. I grabbed a red obey sweatshirt, denim skinny jeans, and black vans. I put on some mascara and went downstairs.

"Good morning baby sister. Are you excited for freshman friday?" David asked.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Grab a granola bar and your bag and let's go." he said.

I nodded my head, grabbed my stuff, and we walked to his car.

~ At School ~

"Woah." I said once I saw how big the campus was.

"Gimme your schedule." David said.

I handed him my schedule and he took a look at it.

He grabbed my hand and took me to my first class.

"Why are you coming with me?" I chuckled.

"I'm the class TA here." he chuckled.

"Oh ok." I shrugged.

So when we got there the teacher introduced herself and all of that boring crap.

~ Lunch ~

Jack took me to his table with all of the guys, Jae, Owen, and Daniel. I got kinda anxious when I saw Daniel was there.

"Hey Phoebe!" everyone said.

Daniel came and gave me a hug, he lifted me up when he hugged me. I started to giggle.

"Ok, ok Caniff get off my sister." David said sternly.

He nodded and sat next to me.

Everyone else came to the table, Casidy, Leiya, Marie, Denise, Quinn, Jonathan, Jason, and Blake.

Oh my go Blake is so cute.

Marie sat on the other side of me, once Denise came to the table Daniel sat next to her, and Blake sat next to me.

"Hey Phoebe." Blake smiled.

"Hey Blake!" I smiled back and hugged him.

"Hey bitch." Marie said taking a bite of my pizza.

I rolled my eyes playfully and hugged her.

"So Phoebe and Blake hmm." Owen teased.

I started to blush, Blake wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

I blushed even more and hid my face in his shoulder.

I heard alot of oooohs and awws.

"Blake you're lucky you're a good kid. If Daniel did that to Phoebe I would sqaush him" Jack said.

"Hey!" Daniel cried.

Everyone was laughing.

~ After School ~

Blake and I were walking to my house which was about a half a mile away but I didn't mind.

"So Phoebe do you like anyone?" he asked, putting his arm around my waist, so I put arm around his shoulder.

Why would he be asking me this?

"Umm no not really." I shrugged. I didn't want to tell him I liked him, I fear rejection I mean almost every single is all over him. But he doesn't like any of them, he's not a player as far as I recall he hasn't had an actual girlfriend.

"Oh that sucks." he said.

"Why?" I chuckled.

He stayed quite until we got to the park.

He took me to a tree and we sat under it.

"So why does it suck that I don't like anyone?" I asked.

"Because, I like you." he sighed.

I felt butterfies start up in my stomach. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers together.

"I like you too." I smiled. "I just didn't want to tell you because I feared rejection." i sighed.

He smiled at me.

"Have you had your first kiss yet?" I asked him.

"Nope." he said popping the p.

"You?" he asked. I shook my head.

He put his finger under my chin and kissed me.

I've never kissed someone before but he wasn't a sloppy kisser, he was a pretty good kisser. He pulled me closer to him so there was no space between us. We pulled away for breaths every so often but we just came right back. I started to hhear familar voices but I ignorned.

"Should we let them continue?" it sounded like Cassidy.

"Hell no." Daniel said.

"Lol I got a pic of it." Marie said.

Someone cleared their throat and we pulled away.

I saw it was David. Shit.

"Oh hey." I said nervously.

Everyone smirked at Blake and I.

"Blake I like you, you're a good kid, you're rsponsible and trustworthy. I trust you with my sister, but if you hurt her I hurt you. Harder." David said sternly.

"Yes sir." Blake said.

"Good now we are all going to our place." Jack said.

Blake and I got up and he intertwined our fingers together, I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek.

I think that was a good way to start off freshman year.


That picture is of Phoebe btw. I hope you guys like this so far because I love writing it!

I love you guys!- Imjustreadinglol

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