Part 8

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((Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes))

Joyce came into Will's room only to see him not there. "Maybe he went to school early..."(that's What you said the first time...)

At Mike's

Mike came down stairs and saw his mother making breakfast. He quickly ran out the front door and left. He got on his bike and headed to Will's. Mike got there and knocked.

Joyce answered. "Yes Mike?" She asked. He looked worried. "Hopper told me I have to break up with Will.... and I accidentally yelled at him... is he here?" He asked.

Joyce looked surprised. "Why would Jim say that... you don't have to break up with him, and he's not here... I thought he might've went to school early..." She sighs.

Mike looks around then leaves quickly. He hops on his bike and goes to school, not seeing Will anywhere. He goes to Dustin, Lucas, and Max. "Have any of you guys seen Will?" He asked.

Dustin and Lucas shook their head. Max looks confused. "No... why? Has he gone missing?" She asked. Mike nods then goes into the school to search for him but couldn't find him anywhere.

With Will

He sat outside the broken down Castle Byers that he destroyed a while ago. He starts crying then hears something in a bush but ignores it. He stands up and looks around in Castle Byers and finds torn up pictures.

He puts them together and sees all the good times they had. "Maybe I shouldn't of told him so soon... that's why... if I waited a little longer then maybe this wouldn't of happened." He cries to himself and throws the pictures down.

He looks around and sees that it's starting to become day. "They're all probably at school.. not worrying about where I am..." He sighs then sits down again.

At school

Mike went into the classroom. "Mr.Clarke, have you seen Will? I haven't seen him at all today and his mother said he's not home.." Mike says as tears form in his eyes.

Mr.Clarke shook his head. "I haven't seen him but I hope you find him soon." He says calmly. Mike questions how he's so calm about this but shrugs it off. "I'm not gonna be here today.. I gotta find him." He says rudely.

Mr.Clarke looked at him. "You can't just skip class Michael!" He yells. Mike looks at him, "oh really? Watch me!" He yells back then leaves the school.

He gets on his bike and starts wandering around to try and find Will. "Maybe he's at Castle Byers.." He whispered to himself and starts to go there.

With Will

He starts to try and put Castle Byers back together but it keeps breaking back down. He kicks the branches around angrily. "Why can't I do anything right!!" He yells loudly.

"Will!" Someone calls out. Will turns toward where the sound came from and sees Mike on his bike coming toward him. "M-Mike?" He questions.

Mike stops his bike and gets off it. He goes over to Will and hugs him. "Are you okay Will?" He asked. Will hugs him back. "N-no... I can't do anything right... and... and you don't love me..." He tears up again and pulls away from Mike.

Mike grabbed Will's hand. "Listen. I don't know who told you that or if that's what you think but I love you so much." He yells then pulls Will close and kisses him.

Will blushes slightly but pulls away again. "I heard what Hopper said... you have 24 hours to break up with me... why don't you just break up with me now..?" He asked.

Mike put his hands on Will's shoulders. "I. Am. Not. Breaking. Up. With. You." He says rudely but confidently. Will looks up at him. "But-" He was cut off when Mike kisses him again.

"No buts or what ifs Will." He demanded. Will smiles and hugs him tightly. "I love you so much.." He cries into his chest. Mike hugs him back and looks at Castle Byers. "Hey Will.." Mike says quietly.

Will looks at Mike, "yeah?" He says nervously. "If we rebuild Castle Byers... and if you change the password, no one is allowed in unless they know the password... soooo... we can have time to ourselves.." He says sweetly and in a teasing way.

Will looks Mike up and down then nods. "Yeah!!" He jumps up and down happily. Mike smiles as they go over to the broken structure and start to rebuild it.

Hours later

Mike finishes putting the last piece on. Will comes back from a walk home with a new sign that says....

"Castle Bylers"

Will puts it on and goes inside. Mike smiles at the sign and goes inside. "Your last name is Byers not Bylers silly." Mike giggles.

Will shakes his head. "I combined our last names Mikey.." He laughed. Mike blushes then starts kissing Will.

Will pushes him off, "woah buddy, I get it, you want me but not right now." He giggles. Mike pushes Will down playfully and gets on him. "Why not right now..?" He asked.

Will gulps and blushes, "uhh.... I don't know.." He says quietly. Mike starts kissing Will's neck. "Then can we?" He whispers in his ear then starts kissing his neck again.

Will blushes a lot. "Only if we go two rounds.." He winks. Mike lifts off him. "Are you sure your sexy body can handle that?" He smirked.

Will blushes more. "Yes? Just go easy please, unless I say otherwise." He begs. Mike kisses him again. "Okay baby.." He starts taking off their clothes.

Wow! What an end! Will is just so horny XD cya in the next part!

Stranger Things - Mike/Finn × Will/Noah (Byler/Foah)Where stories live. Discover now