Part 5

810 9 29

((Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes))

At Mike's House

Karen started setting up dinner. "Oh my... Mike hasn't came home yet.. maybe I should call Joyce." She goes over to the phone but before she grabbed it, someone started knocking on the front door.

Karen goes to the front door and opens it. "Mi- oh... you're not Mike.." she says realizing it's Jim.

"Has El been here??" He asked. Karen nodded. "Yeah for a sleepover. They left today, Mike and Will came back here but Will stormed out. Then Mike went to Will's.." She says slowly. Jim nods then leaves. Karen shrugs then goes back to making dinner.

Jim gets in is car and starts driving to Will's/Joyce's house.

At Will's house

Jim knocked on the front door. Joyce opened the door. "Oh um... hey Jim... what are you doing here?" She asked. Jim looks behind her. "Is El or Mike here?" He asked.

Joyce nods. "Yeah... Mike's here but-" she was cut off when Jim pushed her out of the way angrily. Joyce starts following him quickly, "I wouldn't go into Will's room if I were-" she stops mid-sentence since Jim opened the door to Will's room quickly.

He gasps when he sees Will sleeping next to Mike. "Michael! You're cheating on my daughter with.... with... him?!?" He yells.

Mike looks angrily at him and shushes him. "Your daughter dumped me for one. And she's not here if you're wondering. She said she's going home." He growled.

Joyce pulls Jim away from the door. She closes Will's door slowly. "See? That's why you don't just open doors so suddenly. You never know what you could walk in on." She yells.

Jim sighs. "Why don't you make Will keep the door open 3 inches???" He asked. Joyce looks slightly offended. "Because I trust my son and I don't see him doing anything weird. And even if he does, not gonna be in my house." She says irritated. Jim rolls his eyes and leaves.

Will wakes up, "What's all that yelling...?" He asked. Mike grabbed Will's hand. "Just Hopper wanting to know where El is... now go back to sleep.." He says quietly. Will slowly drifts off to sleep again

At Jim's

He slowly comes into his house. Then opens El's door quickly only to see her and Max kissing. He gasped then slowly backed away. El uses her power and closes the door. Jim blinks awkwardly then leaves the house.

At Will's house

Joyce hears the phone ring. She goes to it and answers. "Yes? This is Joyce." She says. "Can you tell Mike to come home? Dinners almost ready." Karen says on the other side of the phone. Joyce sighs, "Yeah sure..." she hangs up and goes to Will's room.

"Hey Mike, your mother wants you home for dinner...." she says kinda sadly as she sees them cuddling.

Mike nods, "okay.." He sighs then moves Will off him. Joyce leaves the room. Will opens his eyes and rubs his eyes. "Mikey? Where are you going?" He asked.

Mike looked at the door. "My mother wants me to come home... I'm sorry.." He says quietly. Will looks at his hands.

Mike kissed Will's cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow at school..." He says then stands up and starts to leave.

Will grabs Mike's hand. "Wait.." He paused. Mike turned toward him. "Yes?" He asked. Will looks at Mike's lips. "I seen you kissing El on the lips when you guys were together..." He starts blushing a bit.

Mike comes over to Will, "do you want a kiss??" Mike says teasingly. Will nods slightly.

Mike makes Will look up at him, "I love you..." Mike says then kisses Will on the lips. Will blushes a lot then Mike pulls away. "I love you too Mikey..." He purrs.

Mike kisses him once more, "you'll get more kisses tomorrow, okay Will?" He smiles. Will nods then lays back down. Mike smiles then leaves his house.

At Mike's house

He walks in and sees dinner is ready. "Hey mom!" Mike says as he sits down. Karen looks at him. "Hey sweetie! Have you seen your sister?" She asked. Mike shook his head. "No but she's probably making out and getting it on with Jonathan." He says jokingly.

Karen smiled, followed by a giggle. "You're probably right... so.... do you have anything to tell me..??" She smirks.

Mike nods. "Yeah so... Will told me that he had a crush on me, he thought I was angry and stormed out, Then I went to his house as you know, I told him that I liked him back.... and we're kinda..." He smiles while blushing.

Karen gasps, "awww, you and Will are together??" She smiles. Mike nods. Karen giggles, "I told you he liked you." She comments. Mike laughs a bit.

After dinner, Mike went upstairs and gets on his bed. He smiles while thinking about Will as he drifts off to sleep.

At Will's

Will rolls around in his bed. He then starts thinking about Mike, and other things(wink, wink, nudge, nudge) Will bits his lip at the thought of the things he was thinking about then he finally gets comfortable. "I can't wait to see Mike tomorrow.." He whispered to himself.

This one was shorter but whatever, next one will be longer.

Stranger Things - Mike/Finn × Will/Noah (Byler/Foah)Where stories live. Discover now