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         © By @KookieNcreame, 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this should be reproduced or distributed without the authority of the author.

'Honey, we're moving to California tomorrow''

I wasn't exactly surprised at my aunt's fortuitous announcement. Elena Wilson had always said everything so monotonic. No matter the significance, she made it sound like a minuscule spider on her shoulder, that needed to brush off. I bit back the harsh retort that was itching to come out, but it was no use. She does whatever she wants, even that includes dropping this new piece of information on me. We've talked about moving recently, and I know sooner than later, it will happen. 

Just not today, out of every time.

''What, Tomorrow?'' I asked, looking at her.

''Well, The movers I hired canceled next week, saying something about a vacation. I asked them when they were going to be available and they squeeze me in tomorrow.''  She said, returning my gaze.

''Can't we move at a later time then?''

Or hire different movers.

''No, I have to be there in the next two weeks.'' She started, folding her arms over her chest. 

She sat in our old living room, flickering her long light-hair over her trimmed shoulder, amid half a dozen new boxes packed to the brim with her intended carry-along. She's been packing since I came back from my early morning jog this morning and she hasn't stopped for a breather. Confusion had become me at the sight, at first, I thought I was packing in advance for the moving. I didn't know we were going to move tomorrow.

Now, you're probably thinking, a teenager who isn't throwing a tantrum, slamming the door, locking herself in her room after a spontaneous outburst of emotions, spewing hate words at her parents for 'ruining her life' is something unreal. Very much unbelievable. But to say that, would mean to insinuate that there was a life in the first place. No—I didn't have a life. At least, not the one other people claimed as living the good life. My life comes down to two things: going to school and burying my head in the Harry potter series.

Boring right?

Twenty-four-seven, my life was on repeat, time itself had slowed and everything seemed to be at a standstill. There was no friendly get-togthers, no study party, no going to the mall just to hang out and look relevant because everyone else was doing it, no sleepovers, no living the american dream, even though that place only existed in one's imagination.

That was my life. The monochrome tone of it was constant with how I was feeling.

Drab. Tedious. Monotonous. And twenty other synonyms in the thesauras.

''Would you please pass me that tape over there?''

I shook my head and handed her the tape. A zipping sound sliced through the air as she tore a piece of tape off with her teeth, slapping it onto the waiting boxes. She repeated until all the boxes were sealed shut. Brushing her hand off on her silky sundress, she sighed, plopping down on the sofa with a heavy sigh. 

''Mia, come here for a second.''

Slowly, I inched towards her until we were only feet apart. Face-to-face, I could see her hazel eyes shivering in hesitation.

''I know this is hard for you,'' She started.'' But I'm doing what's best for us.''

''I know, aunt,'' I say firmly before she went on a guilt trip. She should feel guilty about any of this. I was the one that ruined her life.

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