Chapter three: Up in a tree

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Chapter three— Up in a tree

The rest of the first two periods slowly drags by and as much as I try to focus on my classes, I couldn't. The voices, whispering about me, I had to hang my head in shame, my face burning in embarrassment as their words lingered through the air. As if a wild wind blew me into town, a stranger, an outcast.

Even as I pushed through the crowd, which is much like a maze because I found it hard to find my way around, and was too embarrassed or anxious to ask for help, was a hard task.

''Hey, newbie.''A voice sounds from behind me, and I nearly jump as I spin around and find a boy with bright blue hair and a flirty smile.

''Try to hold on.'' He turns then and leaves me standing alone in the hallway.

I wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but it obviously sounded like a warning to me.

Much like the other irrelevant stuff I've been receiving all day. I've been given confrontational glares, some glanced at me in pity and so far, no one has come forward to engage me in conversation whatsoever.

Yet, my mind couldn't seem to get off the fact that they are attending this school, my school. There's no denying it anymore.

The odds are against me, there are three of them, at some point, one of them will recognize me, what will happen then?

The question left me hanging as I blow out a sigh of frustration, entering the cafeteria. The surroundings always seemed overcrowded—not necessarily because there were too many students but because they were jostling, pushing, shoving, and stuffing food down their throats. This was supposed to be a private school, where everyone was prim and priss. Instead, it looked similar to a prison, sloppy food is thrown on a platter, inmates scuffle for the better grubs, and lesser have to settle for scraps and bones. It made me tense, realizing how wrong I was in thinking that it would be different from a normal public school. So far, I've seen two boys trading blows, a teacher mixing the wrong concoction in chemistry class, subsequently blowing up half of the chemistry lab, and a kid, way too high sleeping on the water fountain.

I had just entered a battlefield. The front line, a fight for survival.

And knowing that one of the guys is here, didn't make it any better. They all were probably here, all at once but I was silently praying that it wasn't so. One of them is enough.

The cafeteria was yellow and red, with blue seats and silver tables. Somehow, it reminded me of a preschool with a colorful essence.

I took my time, waiting until the sick adrenaline in my system wore off.

I moved to the lunch line and snatched a platter. Today's meal was a surprise but seeing the empty lunch line, I guess it was something sloppy.

Suddenly, I felt a random presence behind me before I can see his arms come around me, attending the platter to the unamused lunch lady.

Confused and gobsmack, I stood aside words spilling from my mouth, hesitantly.

''Excuse me, I was here first.''

He looked over his shoulder, his unwavering gaze is making me more nervous since all he does is stare. He’s tall, sure, but he feels even taller by the way he stands, his fingers just lightly tucked into his pockets, the top two buttons on his shirt undone. His jacket is thrown over his shoulder. He's the bulky type, who could crush me in a blink of an eye.

Which made me a little hesitant about saying something.

''First come, first served.'' I swallowed. ''Ever heard that saying?''

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