Chapter 2

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Allison POV

"I told you... I wanted to throw up so I ran outside, I didn't want to ruin the party for you so I called an Uber, and again I apologize for embarrassing you in front of Mr. Myers, but I am sure that he knows the damage the cocktails served at his party has done," I lied to Toni, I wasn't feeling ill, I had a few cocktails, yes but it wasn't enough to make me drunk, Hussain was the real reason why I left, sitting there before them, lost in those brown eyes, guilt was consuming me every second that passed by, and the smirk on his face defeated whatever confidence that lingered within me.

"I don't know Allison- I don't know if I will get another chance like that," she mumbled on the other end of the phone,

"That's fine, don't beat your self up for my silly mistakes, there will be other opportunities,"

"It's like you don't want to stop working at that diner, I did that for you Ali, I hate the way Venice treats you I hate how she treats all her workers,"

Taking a deep breath I tucked my hand under my head, resting it in the middle of my palm, it's 7:00 AM and I am having a slight hangover, it's way too early for this conversation and I should be getting my rest to deal with a controlling Venice and shouting customers,

"Do you have to talk about this now," I groaned, "I love you and all that babe, but I need to mentally prepare my self, I have work in one hour"

"Then call in sick," she uttered in annoyance,

"I can't, I have exceeded the number of sick days given to me per month," I scoffed,

"Alright, I guess I'll see you later, I have to get dressed for work anyway... Oh and by the way Mr. Myers was asking a lot of questions about you,"

Swallowing the lump of regret in my throat, I nervously bit down on my bottom lip, "Why- did something happen after I left?"

"No, nothing happened, he just wanted to know your full name, where you work-"

"Did you- did you tell him anything?" My voice cracked in between words,

"No... I- is there something that I need to know? "

"No," I chuckled nervously, "I wanted to know why he so curious about me, that's all,"

"Ok, I'll catch up with you later, heard that cooperate is calling a meeting, I hope it's in regards to our incomes, a girl can do a lot with a little extra money," she sneered,

Grinning widely, I sat at the edge of my bed, staring across the room at the frame with Gary's picture,
"I- I got to go, talk to you later."

Ending the call, I lowered the phone from my ear, still staring at the picture, it has been seven long months and I still don't have any closure as to why he did what he did. Many times I have scrolled through my cell phone, hesitating to delete his number, but each time I tried, I just couldn't bring myself to do it, but I guess some things don't deserve an explanation, I just have to suck it up and move on.

Still staring at his picture, I rose to my feet, sliding the thin straps of my nightwear off my shoulders, slipping down my upper arms. The satin fabric gracefully glided over my hips, docking at the base of my feet.

"It's your lost Gary... Not mine," I snarled, as I head towards the bathroom.

Staring at my reflection in the full-body mirror, I noticed how pale I appeared, I was already skinny, so not having perfect skin at least was like a death sentence. I didn't feel sick, so I guess it's due to negligence, since the break up I haven't been taking care of myself, and I didn't care. Rolling my eyes at the reflector, I slid into the shower, closing my eyes I squeezed the top of the faucet, the sting of the water on my skin pouring on my face and down my body, peace.

Wrapped in a towel, I unhooked the hanger with my uniform, it was a rosy pink, with white-collar, striped sleeves, and a ready-made waist apron attached to it. My job didn't pay much but I was happy doing it, some days I look like shit and I just want to say, fuck it, but growing up I always dreamt of owning a cafe or diner one day, now I'm a twenty-five-year-old woman, working in one, but I believe that no matter the pace at which you're going, whether you're sprinting like a horse, or crawling like a turtle, forward is forward. Smiling down at my uniform, I slowly got dressed, I wasn't in a hurry, the diner is already opened but my shift begins at eight.

Fully outfitted in my work attire, I sat down on my bed, placing my cell phone in my pocket, forcing my feet into the white flats they provided. Picking up my handbag from the bedside table, I swang It over my shoulder, scurrying towards the door. While snatching my keys out of the keyhole I twisted the doorknob, looking over my shoulders at my unkempt apartment,

"I will clean up later," I whispered, it's become more of a motivational speech, because I never get the chance to, even on my day, all I do is sleep, eat junk, and sleep again.

Slipping through the door, I made my way out of my apartment, and out in the streets, it was a busy day, but when wasn't it?

"Taxi!" I fanned down the familiar transport, slowing down further ahead, I jogged towards the car.

Finally catching up to it, I pulled the door open, skimming my backside on its worn leather interior,
"Good morning Sam," I smiled brightly at my old friend,

"Good morning Allison, you look lovely today," he grinned luminously, eyeing at me through the rear end mirror,

"You know Sam, I wear this every day to work, still you compliment me every time you see me," I mumbled, intertwining my fingers together,

"Who said clothes had anything to do with the impression you give, true beauty lies within, and it's up to you to let others see it, and admire it" he mumbled, as he diverted back into the flowing traffic.

Looking through the window, I glanced at the passing buildings, Sam was right, sometimes we get so caught with keeping up with fashion and trends we forget to celebrate and appreciate ourselves, life is the most substantial gift man could have. My biggest mistake was putting a man needs before my own, trying to be the perfect girlfriend, I never missed a call, I stayed in shape, I even took cooking lessons, and for what? Only be dumped for some else.

"Here we are pretty lady," Sam mumbled, pulling up in front of Venn's, the diner I worked,

Handing him a twenty, I patted him on the shoulder before exiting the car, "Have a good one," Sam screeched as he drove away,

"Thank you," I whispered, eyeing the Venn's sign that sat high on the top of the building, "I need it."

Taking a deep, I pushed open the doubled glass doors to the diner, it was already packed, and judging by how many people were waiting and how many were eating, I could tell that most of the waitresses weren't here as yet, or maybe they are on strike, they seem to do that a lot here.

"Thank God you're finally here," Mildred yanked my bag from my grip, forcing a tray in my hands, "Table number four, we tried to bring him his order several times but he was pretty clear about who he wanted to fetch it for him," she added,

"Me?" my eyes widened, staring back at her,

"Yes! now go," She gave me a small shove,

The aroma steaming up from the tray, flowing into my nostrils made me froth at the sides of my mouth, it was loaded with my favorite waffles and fried chicken, while pancakes, and eggs on the other plate, two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice, and tiny sachets of pancake syrup scattered around, I shouldn't have skipped breakfast this morning. Looking up from the tray, my eyes landed at a man sitting alone at table four, he was browsing through a newspaper held close to his face, veiling his identity.

Setting down the tray, I began to upload the plates before him, he was sitting alone, so how was he going to eat all of this by himself, maybe he was waiting for someone,

"Good morning," I cleared my throat trying to make conversation, "What an appetite you've got there," I chuckled lowly

"I surely do," the stranger muttered, lowering the newspaper, coming into full view,

"Hussain- what are you doing here?"

"We need to talk," He mumbled, folding the paper equally into two halves.

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