Chapter 4

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Allison POV

"He must be out of his damn mind," I whisked in eggs out of aggression, it's 10:00 PM and I am still up, attempting to bake my third and last batch of cupcakes, I can cook up a feast if I wanted to, but I was the weakest at baking.

Who the hell does he think he is, inviting me to his office to manipulate me, was it just him, or is that the way of the rich? Is that how billionaires utilize their sex life, by running granting people contracts to have sex with them, that's the craziest and most absurd thing I have ever heard. Yes, I might be hurting from a breakup, I might have sex with a lot of men since then, but I wasn't a whore, society might think so, but I beg to differ because if it was a man doing what I do, they would have labeled him as a player, a top-notch but with a woman, she would be disdain, mocked for having no dignity, but I don't care, wrong or right shouldn't be gender-based, and I will do what that pleases me. Slamming the bowl against the marble counter, it shattered into large and tiny chunks of broken glass.

"Shit," I mumbled, I guess that will be all for tonight, I thought. Careful I picked up the shards, disposing of them in my kitchen bin, it was anger that triggered me, I didn't realize how fast my heart was beating until now. Across the room, my laptop screen lit up, followed by an email tone, who could be emailing me so late in the night, I thought, must be one of those ludicrous subscribing messages, wiping my hands in the apron, I untied the knot at the back of my neck, pulling it off my body. Sitting down in front of the device, I clicked open the new email, I didn't recognize the sender, the subject line was blank but it had an attachment, a word document,

"The contract," I mumbled reading the first two lines I saw, slamming the laptop shut, I folded my arms, staring at nothing, how does he keep doing this, I thought, first he finds out my full name, where I work, my favorite dish and now this? What next, my address? That's if he doesn't already know it, Hussain was becoming a pain in the ass, but who to blame but myself, maybe I should keep my legs closed- well I didn't technically open them but still, I should have had more self-control, I won't blame my self for what a maniac he turned out to be, but if I had just spent more time to process the breakup, I wouldn't be running from men to men, searching for rebounds, allowing to them to unintentionally take advantage of my pain.

Standing from the chair, I walk up to the glass case cabinet, pulling out a bottle of Black Rose Vine, it was an affordable wine that Toniann bought me last Christmas, I guess it the perfect time to have a glass or- the whole thing. Snatching the brown cork from the mouth of the bottle, I poured myself a glass, relishing the fruity aroma that stung my nostrils, filling the air with sweetness. Bringing it to my lips, I took a sip, enjoying each transition of taste in the different positions in my mouth, I think this wine actually has what it takes to get me drunk. Taking a big gulp, I chugged down the rest of the liquid, rubbing the front of my neck trying to ease the slight burning at my throat.

Gently placing the empty glass on the counter, I grasped on the counter edges, thinking about Gary, maybe it was... Maybe it was me, who wasn't good enough. Hearing the decisive vibration of my cellphone, I rushed over to the couch, it was still in my uniform pocket,

"Hello," I mumbled, hoping the caller identifies themselves and save me the embarrassment from not knowing the number,

"Ali," the voice whispered on the other end,


"Yes, I will be right up in a second, this is Uber's' phone,"

"Ok- Ok come on right up," I laughed nervously, looking around at my untidy apartment, I am sure she will understand that I have been busy, she also a working woman, and I sure hers couldn't be sparkly clean all the time. Tucking my hair behind my ears, I breathed into my closed palms, smelling my breath.

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