Part 13

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It's now 1:30am and I decided to sleep in my room tonight because Mattia's back, I don't wanna make it weird. I got to my room and I seen Derek passed tf out on my bed. This finna be a long night.....
y: Derek..
Y: Derek
D: hmmmmm
Y: are you sleeping in here?
D: can i?
Y: if you want to
D: Okay then yes I'm staying
Y: okay then go on that side
I pointed to the one side of the bed. He moved over and got under the covers, I got under the covers, laid next to him and he put his arms around my waist
D: y/n i miss us
Y: trust me, I do too Derek
D: so be my girlfriend again
Y: idk Derek
D: why
Y: I'm scared
A tear slipped from my eye, he wiped it and laid my head in his chest
D: you sure it's not because you wanna be with Mattia?
Y: ya know, I'm starting to think you wanna be with Mattia. You always ruin a good moment by talking about Mattia
D: okay okay I'm sorry, i won't do it again
Y: yea Aii🙄
I said under my breath
D: what did you say?
Y: nothing, goodnight Derek
D: goodnight mama
Time skip: next day 12:50

V: wait so y'all back together?
Y: no
D: yes
We spoke at the same time, oh boy.
V: uhhhhhmmmm
Y: no we aren't back together
D: yea cause she wants to fuck Mattia
Y: yo can you shut the fuc-
V: so why did y'all sleep together?
Y: he fell asleep in my room and I let him stay it's nothing serious
V: you sure?
D: yes she's sure....because she wants to fuck Mattia
Y: ya know what maybe i will go fuck Mattia.
I did my hygiene, took a shower and made my way to Mattia's room🙂
Ma: how can I help you?
Y: fuck me😐
Ma: are you serious??
Y: no you dipshit, just pretend we're fucking
Ma: okay but why?
Y: because i want to🙂
He got up from his gaming chair and choked me sexually- unt unt bitch i will fuck you right now stop playin🙄
Ma: are you lying to me?
I pushed him in the bed and got on top of him, matching his energy
Y: please
He slid his hands down to my ass🙄
Ma: okay but i don't see why we have to pretend
Uhh- one thing led to another and we ended up actually doing it💀 and then Derek calls me🙄
D: did you actually just fuck Mattia?
Y: yea why?
D: why tf would you do that
Y: because i do wtf i want and you said I wanted to
D: open the door bruh
Y: no, bruh
D: open. The. Door. Now.
I started laughing cause who tf you think you is talking to me like that😭
D: tf is so funny?
Y: who tf you think you is, talking to me like that? My daddy?
D: y/n just open the door
Y: no bruh
D: so you guys are like...a thing now?
Y: no omg
D: so then why did you do It?
Y: because i was horny 🙂
D: so they why didn't you ask me?
Y: because you cheated on me with my Bestfriend, you think your sorries are just gonna patch up my heart easy peasy. If you crush a flower then say sorry to it- matter a fact, if you break a plate and say sorry to it, do you think it's gonna magically get back together?
D: no
Y: exactly, so how is that any different from me? You made a promise to me and you broke it. Y'all keep playin with me but I'm done with y'all little games now
D: Y'all?
Y: you, Kobe and literally anyone from my past. But it's my fault, I fell for y'all, I'm just naive and stupid. Goodbye Derek.
You hang up

Question: who y'all want me to end with? (Majority wins)

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