Part 4

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Y'all get to the hotel, y'all make tiktoks, walk around, eat, & meet supporters.
The boys were in the hot tub & you was on your phone
Derek: guys Anne's here!!!!!
The boys jump out & run downstairs to Anne & Nicole. They come back to the room, change & go hand out with Anne. You go find them after a few minutes because you were bored.
y/n: bae
Y/n: babyyyy
Y/n: babe
Y/n: KOBE *you slightly yell*
Kobe: what? What do want?!!
By now everyone was looking at you
Y/n: nvm, forget it
Kobe continued to give his attention to Anne so you got off the couch & walked out the room. Nobody followed you or asked where you were going
You walked around the hotel & seeing other influencers. And this one tall boy with fluffy dark hair, dark brown eyes, & plumpy pink lips walk up to you with 5 other boys.
Y/n: hi
Mattia: my name's Mattia this is Alejandro, Alvaro, Roshaun, Kairi, & Robert.
Y/n: oh, well my name is y/n.
Mattia: wanna hang out with us?
Y/n: yessir.
You start to walk with them & you see them going to Anne's room.
Y/n: uhh actually I think I'm gonna go to my room.
(Ale= Alejandro)
Ale: why?
Y/n: nothing serious, I'm just kinda tired.
Mattia: you want me to walk you?
Y/n: I'm fine my room is right there *you point to the room 2 doors down*
You walk to you room and end up falling asleep on the bed. You wake up to you're phone going off. People are mentioning you in comments.
Y/n: wha- *you cut yourself off, Kobe posted a video on his spam of him & Anne, Anne fell asleep on his chest. You started crying but then you heard someone knocking on the door. You quickly wipe your tears and open the door.
Y/n: Mattia what are you doing here?
Mattia: I came to make sure you were okay..
Y/n: why? *you were confused*
Mattia: because you said you wanted to hang out with us and then we got to- ohhhhhhhh, you date Kobe don't you?
Y/n: yes *😔*
Mattia: so I'm guessing you saw the video
You nod your head & shed a tear
Mattia pulls you into a hug & then Kobe walks in
Kobe: am I interrupting something?
Y/n: no *you quickly let go of Mattia*
Mattia: I'll come back later
Kobe: or not *he said under his breath but You heard him*
Y/n: bye Mattia *😔*
Kobe: so we're cheating now? *😂*
Y/n: it was just a hug relax
Kobe: how do even know him?
Y/n: after I left the room I walked around the hotel You would know Anne wasn't laying on your chest.
Kobe's eyes widened
Y/n: yea & you would've gotten away with it if your supporters weren't tagging me every 5seconds *🙄*
You tried to walk away  but he grabbed your arm & pulled you towards him (you're under his chin but you're not looking at him you're looking at his chest) 
Kobe: bae
Y/n: Kobe
Kobe: look at me
You look into his eyes
Kobe: I didn't cheat I promise, she just fell asleep on me
Y/n: I'm not even mad about that, it's the fact that you're giving her all your attention, I just wanted to tell you that was going to walk around the hotel but no you wanted to have an attitude for no reason*🙄*
Kobe: I'm sorry mama, I just wanted to talk to her.
Y/n: yea whatever.
Kobe: so we good?
Y/n: no
Kobe: why not
Y/n: are you going back to Anne or are you staying here
Kobe: I'm staying duh
Y/n: Aii we good *you smile*
Kobe went to the bathroom 5minutes later he comes out.
Y/n: baby
Kobe: yes ma
Y/n: cuddle? *you hold your arms out*
Kobe: no
Y/n: why *🥺*
Kobe: I'm playin *he smiles*
Y'all cuddle & watch the 100. Kobe falls asleep
Y/n: bubba *you whisper in his ear*
Kobe: yes baby? *he said in his sleepy voice*
Y/n: I love you
Kobe: I love you too
You kissed his cheek & went to sleep.
Time skip: 2weeks later
You & Kobe went out to eat & y'all are walking around. A bullet flies past you & hits Kobe.
Kobe: call 911 right now!
You call 911 & the ambulance is on it's way
Y/n: baby you're gonna be okay I promise *you start crying*
Kobe: don't make promises you can't keep *hes crying*
Y/n: they're coming to get you & you're gonna live
Kobe: y/n, I got shot in my chest that's it I'm done.
Y/n: Kobe n- *he cuts you off*
Kobe: y/n, it's okay just leave me here & let me die.
Y/n: Kobe why tf would I leave you here to die??
Kobe: I'm gonna die either way so might as well
Y/n: Kobe stfu, you're gonna live & I'm gonna be right here with you the whole time.
Kobe: I love you y/n, always & forever *he's squeezing your hand*
Y/n: I love you too
Kobe closes his eyes but still holding your hand. After a few minutes the ambulance arrives & lay him on the stretcher.

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