Part 15

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I got out the shower and it was 2:50? Alreadyyyy? I put on Nike sweats and a spaghetti strap top.
Cynthia finally knocked on the door.
C: hey
Y: hi, uhh come sit
We sat on the couch
C: so what did you want to talk about?
Y: i don't know how you're going to take this. Earlier today Me and Mattia yk, did it. I'm so sorry,  it was all my fault and I didn't know he was in a relationship.
C: it's okay I forgive y'all
Y: wait huh?
C: I forgive you
Y: uhh okay???
C: I love you girl
Y: uhh I love you too?
C: girl why you sound like that?
Y: I'm lowkey confused and scared
C: I promise you I'm not mad, shit happens. If I seen Mattia and with someone else I would be mad too.
This just reminded me of Kobe, god I miss him. Maybe I should've given him another chance? Nah, no way, nope. But what if- ugh idk anymore
Y: oh okay, well Mattia is upstairs I'll be in my room
C: okay bye
Then I saw a white light???
My vision was blurry???
I heard beeping???
People talking???
Foot steps???
My vision was coming back and I saw a school ceiling? A tv? Hospital monitors?
I was in a hospital bed, the tv was on. Wtf happened??? I pushed that little button next to my bed to call a doctor
Do= doctor
Do: oh you're awake
Y: yes, can you tell me what's going on?
Do: you and your boyfriend were shot a few months back, he made it but you've been in a coma ever since
Y: for how long?
Do: 5 months
Y: and the crying I heard a few minutes ago?
Do: some of your friends were here they just left
Y: oh. When Can i leave?
Do: if everything goes smoothly, you should be out in about a week. Do you want me to call your friends back?
Y: uhh yes please
When they get to the hospital
Mi: so what did you find in her charts Dr. Grey
(Yes tf I diddddddd😩)
Do: come see for yourself
They walked in, it was Vallyk, Aya, Monroe, Jiggy, Cohen, Mike, and Derek.
J: she's asleep..
Y: nah very much awake😌
Mo: back off bitch
Mi: when did you wake up?
Y: like 15 minutes ago
J: i missed you so muchhhhh
Y: aww i missed you too
Y: Cohen? You good?
C: you're actually alive
Y: yea why wouldn't I be?
C: they were supposed to pull the plug today
Y: huhhhhhh 
A: yea, that's why we left crying
She said tearing up
Y: oh
Then I started crying, then bitches wasn't gon give me another monthhhhhh-
Y: q- quick question..
mi: wassup?
Y: she said my "boyfriend" got shot too? It was Kobe right?..
C: yea
Y: w- where is h- he?
Mi: he stayed in the car. He said if you weren't awake he didn't want to see you. He's hurting
Y: Can one of you go get him please
V: yea I gotchu
Kobe walked in
His eyes got watery and so did mine, because seeing him cry makes me cry
Y: hey!
I said as a tear slipped down my eye. He didn't same anything he just came to me, hugged me, and cried into the crook of my neck
K: c- can y'all leave real quick
They left the room so it was just me and Kobe
Y: what happened?
K: uhm I need to tell you something. I wanna start off by saying I'm extremely sorry and I love you so much. 5 months ago I took you mini golfing on a date. We were walking to the car and you hugged me. Then someone shot at me but it went through my upper stomach and hit you in your chest, close to your heart. About 3 months ago we were told they were going to pull the plugs in a matter of months, and that's when I lost all hope. I was convinced that you weren't gonna make it, I came here and spoke to you everyday, and in return I got silence. I was frustrated, angry, disappointed, melancholic, dejected, and miserable without you. I threatened to kms, but the boys stopped me. One day I was scrolling through my phone and I got a message, from Lauren. She asked me to come over and my naive ass went. An- basically what I'm trying to say is that I cheated. I know how you are, and I know you will never forgive me, I just had to tell you because I couldn't keep this from you. I'm sorry.
Y: Kobe, one think that being in this coma taught me, is that shit happens, everyone makes mistakes, and to forgive. All that really matters is that you held on to this relationship even tho I was in a coma for most of it.
We laughed at my comment and he hugged me 
K: I love you so much mamas
Then he kissed me. When u say butterfliesssssss like bitch-. Then my heart rate started going up. This bitch had the nerve to laugh at me
K: not you gettin butterflies 😂
Y: stfu & I love you too
The rest of the group came back. We talked some more and they left because visiting hours were over. But Kobe was allowed to stay because he was practically an adult.
+ one week later
I got home and I seen a whole bunch of shit around the house. These mf's was throwing me a party, I love themmm.
+ 2 years later
I'm better. We sold the content house and moved on our own but we still keep in contact andddddd I may or may not be pregnant😩.

The end✨.

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