Part 8

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Kobe's pov:
The boys pulled me into the guest room while y/n & Derek stayed in the living room
Mike: why did you have to cheat on her bro?
Vallyk: you was everything she asked for & she felt safe with you.
Then Monroe walked up to me...when did she get back?
Mattia: Monroe when did you get back?
Monroe: today's Wednesday, I told you guys I was coming back today. Kobe, wtf is wrong with you. This is the happiest I've seen her in her whole life how could you fuck up that badly?
I couldn't even look at her
Kairi: I know I haven't really been close with y'all before creators live but y/n looked extremely happy with you
Alejandro: yea she always talked about how happy she was with you & how she wanted a future with you.
& now I feel even worse
Kobe: mattia you the only one that didn't talk. You got sum you wanna say?
Mattia: nah I'd rather keep quite
Kobe: say what you gotta say now because after today ion wanna hear shit.
I really don't like him, I know he has feelings for y/n
Mattia: i wasn't gonna say nothing but y/n is the most kindhearted, sweetest, funniest, talented, and so much more that I know. The fact that you can break her heart so easily shows that you didn't care or love her to begin with. You should be lucky you had a chance with a girl like her. She's literally amazing, anything you could ever ask for but nah you fucked up. You're pathetic & ungrateful
Mattia💭: i wanted to say more but he started shedding tears, shit I would cry too. I know I would never get a chance with her especially not now since Kobe fucked it up for the rest of us. But I would never force her into a relationship she doesn't wanna be in I want her to be happy, with or without me.
Kobe: is that all?
Mattia: nah but ima shut up now cause I might hurt your feelings
Then he walked out the room
Y/n: pov:
Derek's💭: she looks so adorable🥺
Derek picks me up bridal style & takes me to my room. He lays me on the bed & lays next to me but Derek's chest is comfortable so I got closer to him & laid in his chest. He puts his arm around me while he used his phone. A few minutes later Mike walks in
Mike: DERE-
Derek: stfu she's sleeping
Mike: Kobe wants to talk to her
Derek tries to wake me up
Y/n: lemme sleep I'm tired & my head hurts
Derek: Kobe wants to talk to you
I sat up straight & looked him in the eyes
Y/n: do I have to go🥺
Derek: yes, when you come back we can watch greys anatomy
Y/n: fine🙄
I left the room & went to the guest room
Y/n: you wanted to talk to me?
Kobe: yea come here
I walked closer to him & he held both of my hands
Kobe: I know I messed up & you're not giving me another chance, I just wanna tell you that I'm sorry. I know sorry ain't fixing shit so if you want the full explanation, I'll give it to you.
Y/n: I'll take the full explanation
Kobe: I got jealous when I saw that message from Jacob s-
I cut him off
Y/n: obviously🙄
Kobe: lemme finish
Y/n: okay okay continue
Kobe: ever since that day I've been keeping tags on you & watching you. Before you say anything, I know it's weird & I sound crazy. But I just didn't want you to be cheating on me. I know I know, Kobe you sound crazy. If you were in my position you would do the same thing. I saw you at the park with Jacob & you looked happier with him than you do with me, so I got jealous & went to Lauren's house to make it seem like we did something. But when I got there I ended up cheating anyways. I fucked up. I kissed her without thinking about you or if you were actually cheating, we fucked & cuddled. But I don't love her I love you, I just wasn't thinking straight. I know you don't wanna be with me anymore & if you don't forgive me I completely understand.
Y/n: it's okay Kobe, I forgive you
Kobe: really?
Y/n: yes, even tho what you did really hurt me I still love you, I will probably always love you. It's pretty hard to forget about the guy that took my virginity (yes y'all did the nasty sophomore year but y'all was just fuck buddies)
We laughed at my comment & I moved closer to him. &, put my arms around his neck. He put his arms around my waist & rested his head on my stomach. We hugged it out for a good 5 minutes
Kobe: so we good?
Y/n: yes ofc
We smiled at each other & I went back to my room & sat next to Derek
Derek: so y'all good now?
Y/n: yea
Derek: so y'all still date?😔
Y/n: no Derek
Derek: oh🙂
We watched greys & fell asleep

3 months later⬇️⬇️⬇️

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