Peter Parker/Arcade

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Peter Parker/ Arcade

Warning: Angst, Guns, and Death

       Y/N stood at the rooftop of a skyscraper. She watched the city lights in the night. Her favorite time of the day. Except it didn't feel so great it felt like an escape. She put her black hood on. After a failed mission that day she stayed there for the rest of the day. She sat at the edge feeling numb and empty after hours of crying alone.

     "Y/N!," Peter swooped down, landing perfectly onto the gravel. She turned and looked at him and got up. She stood still and watched him walk towards her slowly.

"What were you thinking!?," Peter yelled obviously worried, taking his mask off at the same time.

"We looked everywhere for you, you've been gone for hours! What's gotten to you?," Peter looked upset for the first time, Y/N looked down and put her hood down.

" I'm sorry I just needed to escape. I haven't had a second to breathe for awhile now, you can't tell me you don't feel suffocated sometimes,"Y/N whispered.

"Of course I do! But I don't run off after a mission I get we failed but we try again! I thought you were stronger than that I guess I was wrong," Peter shook his head and looked at the lights.

"What does that mean," Y/N voice quivered hurt by his words. Peter purses his lips and sighed.

" What does that mean Parker!,"Y/N pushed him on the verge of tears.

"It means you're not ready! You never will be, you never listen to me when I try to help you through these missions and things but you go against them everytime,"Peter yelled at her, making sure she was looking at him.

"Is that it Parker,"Y/N questioned.

"We should've never started this relationship, maybe if it's better if we just keep this relationship professional,"Peter said, in the back of his mind he knew he'd regret it.

"W-what?,"Y/N began to cry.

"Why would you say that?,"Y/N looked at him in so much pain. She let out a sob.

"Y/N I-I didn't mean-"

"Didn't mean what Parker!, huh! How were you when you started this superhero gig thing! Tony told me not so great! I'm trying my damn best to meet your guys requirements! Now I'm not even good enough for you,"Y/N kept sobbing and letting the tears pour.

"Y/N-" Peter went to go reach for her. But she pushed away and it kept going.

"GET OFF OF ME!" Y/N screamed! 

There was silence, almost slow motion. For once Spider-Man's senses were too slow.


"Peter,"Y/N fell onto him.

"Y/N no no no," Peter caught her.

"Stay with me Y/N, don't close your eyes!,"Peter picked her up, looked around and put his mask on.

"Don't you fall asleep on Me, Damn it Y/N,"Peter started to swing and swing as fast as he could.

"Peter, I love you... I'm sorry I'm so sorry,"Y/N she coughed up blood onto his shoulder. Peter began to cry.

"Don't say that!,"Peter could feel the warm blood spill onto his suit.

He landed onto the balcony and broke the doors.

"MR.STARK!,"Peter screamed. He ran and later Y/N on the closest table, ripping the top half of her suit off. She grabbed his hand. Tony ran in with the rest of the avengers. Peter ripped off his mask and threw it.

"Shit! Bruce grab the equipment now!,"Tony ran over to her and pushed Peter to the side.

"Peter,"Y/N whispered, grabbing Peter's hand. Peter stopped and bent closer to her.

"You're going to make it Y/N,"Peter wiped his tears.
She nodded and let go.

"She's losing a lot of blood, Shit Peter, go you don't need to see this,"Tony yelled as Bruce ran in.

"Mr.Stark I c-can't leave her please,"Peter begged.

"Peter go!," Tony yelled.

Steve and Bucky pulled Peter out of the room as he screamed and protested.

A couple minutes later Tony and Bruce walked out to the rest of the Avengers

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A couple minutes later Tony and Bruce walked out to the rest of the Avengers. Peter stood up right away.

"Peter, can we talk in Private," Tony said, looking down. Peter nodded and followed him, anxious to know if she was alive. Tony brought him into the room. Peter stopped at his tracks and ran to her. His senses kicked in....

"AHHHHHH,"Peter screamed and held her crying and screaming over and again.

"WHY HER?! WHY NOT ME!?,"Peter sobbed.

"Kid it's not your fault,"Tony held him tight as Peter cried on his shoulder.

"Why her Mr.Stark,"Peter cried whispered.

"I don't know kid, but trust me that's why we're called the Avengers,"Tony told him.

After a while Peter slowly climbed into his room hoping not to wake up his aunt. He looked in the mirror seeing her blood all over him. He held the sob in and felt something in his pocket as he slowly undressed. He pulled out a chain with a ring on it. It was her's... he didn't know how he could miss it when she grabbed his hand while she was on her deathbed... he fell to his knees and cried... Loving you is a losing game.

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