Chapter One

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My Dearest Clark,

Thou eyes are sharp, but full of life,

Like the sea in the calmest of tides or

Like raging waves of wild storms.

When I see those sunshine eyes,

Sparkling with love and destiny.

Clark read the poem, glancing down at the different color tulips on his work bench. The sixteen year old boy had just gotten back from school and headed straight up to his loft in the barn. It was Friday, meaning an entire weekend of no homework or boring old teachers who each made an hour of your life miserable. What would make the weekend great, if there were no mutant freaks wanting to kill all the residents of Smallville or one of Lionel Luthor's diabolical plans for whatever gain he was aiming for his own pleasures.

The youth had hoped for no such thing, but sadly Clark had no such luck when it came to these kinds of matters. When he threw his bag on his couch, he noticed the beautiful tulips lying on the bench. Puzzled and amazed he went over to inspect them. Seven tulips wrapped in ribbons of blue and red. My favorite colors, thought Clark as he touched the soft petals. He pondered for a moment, wondering who would bring flowers to the Kent farm. Thinking they were for his mother, and were brought here to the barn by mistake. He was going to bring the gift to the house for his mother, when he noticed the note attached to the ribbons. They were not addressed for Martha Kent, no...

...they were addressed to him.

Rereading the poem, Clark cheeks blushed deeply contrasting with his tan skin. No one has ever said things about me like this before. It...feels kind of nice He thought. People of the small town always had words to say about Clark, like he's such a good boy and friend, but never had someone other than his parents complimented him in such a way, making him feel special and wonderful about himself. He was tall and muscular for his age, always feeling clumsy and unsure of himself all the time; though that was one of many reasons he had to deal with.

Clark wasn't normal like the other teenagers around here. In fact he wasn't human at all. He had fallen from the sky during a great meteor shower almost twelve years ago. The flaming rocks had caused great tragedy, killing hundreds of people...and infecting most of them, but the side effects would not show until many years later. Jonathon and Martha Kent had found him along with his space ship out in the cornfields. They brought him home and raised him as their own. Soon after they discovered that the young boy they had adopted had superhuman powers, from running as fast speeds to invulnerable skin, and so much more.

Shaking his dark locks in weariness, his green eyes looked down at the note and the flowers once more. One question plaguing his mind.

"Who sent me this and why?"

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