Fair Trade

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2 Months Later

It was a dark, cold and quiet night. The only thing that was the so8nd of faint Mexican music playing in the background. Rico would be sitting in a cold cell, bloodied, bruised, and very out of it due to the beatings he's taken these past few months. The day after the kidnapping of his daughter Los Muertos caught onto what happened and went to him immediately. They brought him into one of their hideouts and assumed that this "kidnapping" was just a ploy and that he betrayed them. Everyday, they beat him to an inch of his life, shouting questions to his face to where Olivia was but to no avail. Eric truly didn't know where his daughter was and praying that one day these assholes would listen, but street thugs are hard headed, he would know, he used to be one; hard headed. The cell door would open as Rico would slowly lift his head up to see who it was and it was a tall muscular and intimidating man, staring him down, he was wearing the traditional Los Muertos Mohawk, tight ripped jeans, a black beater, and the traditional painted red scull across his face, he would slowly walk up to Rico until he is a foot away and he was speak in a low and guttural tone "So...... You really don't know where your daughter is, Hmmm..... Looks like our little morale booster has been taken from us by Talon...." He would then squat down in front of Rico until he is eye level with him before he continue "You know what that means, hey, Rico? That means you're completely useless to us. That means I can get rid of you, but since I like you so much, and you kind of help this undermined Talon every now and then, how about I give you a last chance? Find your daughter and bring her to us in exchange for your freedom? Isn't that a fair trade, friend?" The man will pull a sinister smile, a smile that obviously means that he is up to no good. Rico would have his head still lowered, he thought about this ever since he made that deal with Los Muertos; he knew that he was putting not only his own life in danger, but his daughters as well...... But in the end, all he cared about was his own survival..... So with a somewhat heavy heart, he would slowly look up to him with one eye, due to the other being closed shut from the beatings, and say "I'll do what needs to be done...... As long as you don't hurt her-" A fist wpuld suddenly collide to Rico's face, punching him so hard that some blood wout splatter on the floor. The man then continues talking "You honestly think that you can tell me what I can do with my property?" He would chuckle and shake his head "Rico...... You're honestly a lot dumber than you look. You made a deal to us, whatever is yours is mine and what is mine, I get to do whatever the fuck I want to do with it. And when you bring sweet Olivia to us, lets just say she'll make the whole gang very happy~ " This enraged Rico, but he knew that he was powerless. He couldn't do anything to stop it but to bring Olivia to them and leave her to the mercy...... Or not, of the Los Muertos gang. But what also enraged him even more was towards Gabriel, stealing his only ticket to freedom. The moment he sees that man after he gives Olivia away, he will kill him in cold blood.  The man would look down at Rico with a look of indifference on his face as he turns around and walked towards the door, but then stops at the door frame "We will let you go, you have one month to bring her back, if you don't find her by, then we will kill you and will take her by force" After that, he will leave and the doors closed once more, leaving Rico with his thoughts, and he would whisper to himself "I'm so sorry, Olivia, but life is unfair...... And you must learn it the hard way......"

Omg, I finally got the motivation to continue this, sorry for the SUUUUUPER long absence but life man, it gets the best of us, how you all enjoyed the chapter!

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