Moving Out

249 5 2

12 AM

Olivia was in her room as she was packing her duffle bag full of clothes, feminine hygiene, and other stuff including her escape gear, she looked at her map on more time before lookong at the clock as she watches it '5 more minutes....' She thought to herself. At 12:05 the surveillance shuts down for a bit as some guards take their 5 minute break, she had 5 minutes to make her grand escape and to go back home to her father. She was setting uo before she heard some heavy footsteps, it was him, she quickly hid her stuff and went under the covers as she was wearing an all black outfit. Just as she turned her back towards the door ooens as Gabriel looks into the room for a bit before he sighs and walks in, closing the door "Look, I kmow what you're doing.... So don't try to fool me....." As he said that her heart started to race as she started to panic on the inside, how could this man see through all her plans!?! She was for sure that she was careful, where she wandered, where and when to randomly stop at certain areas of the Manor to draw out part of her map, EVERYTHING! How, just how- "I know you're pretending to be alseep so you can avoid talking to me" He said. She relax and sighs in relief before she looks over her shoulder with a glare "What do you want?" She ask, he walks over and sits on the side of the bed before he speaks up "Look.... I know you miss your papa and this whole situation you're in has probably shook you up a bit." She rolls her eyes and looks away from him before she say in a sarcastic manner "Now why would you think that? It not like I totally yelled at you about you snatching me away from my father who you and your goons beat the shit out of." This made him glare and brings out his hands in a strangling manner above her head but he calms down and rest them on his knees before he continues to speak "Yes, I remeber that, but Olivia, my intentions were not snatch you away from your home for no reason, it was dangerous there and if I told you why..... I know you won't believe me.... But believe me when I say.... That I want you safe and happy here." He then gets up and walks out of the room closing the door behind him. When he left she sits up and looks at the door for a bit before she sighs and looks down with a small frown on her face as she thought to herself  'He sounded very sincere..... Does he really care about me?....' She then shakes her head and whispers sadly to herself "I'm sorry Gabriel..... I'm not happy here.... And this place can never be my home...." She looks out of her window before she locks yhe door and opens her window before wrapping her head and mouth with two black bandanas, only her eyes showing. She takes out her gear, duffle bag, and map of the outside of the Manor nefore she looks at the room one last time. She turns off the light. She then quickly wraps the towel around the sturdy table leg before she throws it out of the window as it hangs, the end of it being a good 3 feet off the ground sp it was safe to land, she silently prays to herself before she grabs her bag and map as she then starts to scale down the Manor. Time was ticking, she knew if she wasn't by the ground by 12:05, an alarm will sound and it will notify where the opening is located, but she had to slowly go down fo any fast movements not only crate noise, but towel knots aren't the most secure, for which she can fall to her potential death.



12:03...... Olivia was quarter ways down as beads of sweat was going down her face as sje tried to focus and hoping thay no one would see her....

12:04..... She managed to hit the last three feet as she looks down and debates if she can jump down, but quickly decided that 3 feet wouldn't kill her, nor injure her so she jumped and lands on her hands and feet with a thund. She smiles and dust herself off. Just as she was about to take a first step forward.




She soon became alert and hid in a bush as she just heard the commotion from outside. Meanwhile Gabriel was in the living room, ignoring the sirens, thinking its just another cracked window before one of his men runs back with a shocked look on his face "The girl! Shes gone!" This caught Gabriel's attention as he stood up with a pissed off look his face "WHAT!?! THE HELL YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE!" The meber shakes his head "She's escaped, she went out through the window in her room! Do you want me to find her, sir?" The man asked, but Gabriel shook his head and runs out the front door, burst through, and goes to exact window she escaped out of. He looks at the ground and sees her footprints before he feels on them before he growls and gives a death glare into the darkness as he says out loud "I'll show you what happens when you take my kindness.... For weakness...." He sprints out into the dark. The chase is on.

Hooooo shiiit! Gabriel is pissed! Like and comment!

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