My Heart is Tellin' You (How Much I Want You)

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My Heart is Tellin' You (How Much I Want You)
By: dirtymattress
From: archiveofourown

Warnings: Mpreg (sorry if you're not into that stuff), this is just pure fluff

Louis' on his side, one leg kicked out from the duvet and hanging off the bed, the other trapped under Harry's heavy thigh as the younger boy lies spread eagle across the mattress. He's hot and stuffy, skin burning underneath the heavy blankets and his skin feels dewey and his hands clammy. His thick sleep pants are all rucked up by his calves and his sleep shirt is pulled too tight across his shoulders from sleep. His skin feels pulled too tight over his recent weight gain and scalp sore and his back, his back is killing him but he can't find it in himself to really complain too much. Eyes still closed, he slowly circles his palm over the gentle curve of his belly pushing the fabric of his shirt up and softly tapping a beat against his navel with his fingertips.

Hello little dove, he thinks. It's a girl. Louis knows it's a girl because even though his belly is still only about four months he's carrying low and has skin has been horrible and, well, Louis just knows it's a girl. He can feel it. He thinks she talks to him sometimes, little things like don't forget your keys, papa or don't eat those extra chips or when he's stressed out and near tears he thinks he can hear her little baby giggles. He'll never tell Harry that, never tell anyone because that's weird, but he knows. He googled it once, stranger things have happened.

Louis tries to adjust himself in bed, can feel the heat radiating from Harry's body under the covers and tries to shuffle away. He can't, Harry's death grip on his waist is too much for his still sleep heavy body to fight so he just twists to lie on his back. He's just so uncomfortable, all the time, it's never ending.

Harry's still in a deep sleep at his side and if he weren't so damn cute smacking his cherry lips near Louis' face and occasionally whimpering in his sleep, Louis would slap him. Harry should be uncomfortable too, Harry should be tossing and turning day and night too. Louis feels vindictive, feels restless and annoyed with the boy who he knows has done absolutely nothing wrong. But, like, Harry knocked him up and should deal with this pregnancy too. Yeah, that's his excuse.

He watches the curly haired boy snore softly for a few seconds longer before he yanks the pillow out from under Harry's head a little violently and throws it down by his feet, kicking and pulling it to settle under his knees, propping them up and elevating some of the pressure off his lower back. Harry flounders for a second or two before his head settles on one of the other millions of pillows he surrounds himself with and quickly falls back asleep.

Well damn.

That was uneventful, to say the least. Louis had expected at minimum a pouty whine which would inevitably turn into Harry waking up all huffy and disgruntled but he'd just end up coddling Louis and getting him tea and a pickle with peanut butter and then they'd fall back to sleep together, Harry tracing stars into Louis' overheated skin.

But no, Harry just fell right back to sleep and it's almost 7am and Louis isn't even tired anymore and the baby just kicked, or maybe that was gas, and he's restless and in need of attention and he only has four more months to be fawned over and worshiped and damnit, he's got to make the most of it.

So, like, he doesn't mean to actually hurt Harry but he does mean to wake him up so after Louis' situated and a little less hot and miserable as before he lazily swings his arm out and just so happens to slap/punch Harry in the face. He blames the adrenaline of being a pain in the ass for how he immediately snaps his eyes closed and pretends to be asleep. His arm is lying across Harry's face and when Harry stirs again Louis can feel the little bit of drool against Harry's cheek and he wants to grimace but he can't. It feels like he's playing a game, like if Harry knows he's really awake he'll lose or something and this is the most fun he's had in, like, hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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