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"Where are we going?" I asked McKenna as I got into the passenger side of her car.

McKenna shrugged as she got into the drivers seat. "You'll find out." After she said that, she kissed me. I smiled, but still wasn't pleased that she didn't tell me.

As we drove more, the more unfamiliar the area looked.

"Seriously McKenna, tell me where you're taking me." I said sternly.

McKenna rolled her eyes. "You'll find out! Don't worry, it's not like I'm taking you to an unsafe or unfamiliar place. Trust me."


"We've been going in circles, McKenna!" I yelled for the tenth times.

"I'm just a little... lost." McKenna pulled over to the side of the rode.

"A little? We've been going in circles for what feels like hours. Maybe if someone would of let me bring my phone, we could be on our way home. But no, you insist that we should keep our phones at home." I said as I crossed my arms.

"It wasn't like I was planning on getting lost." McKenna mumbled.

"Then what were you planning?" I asked again.

McKenna huffed. "It was suppose to be a surprise, but clearly something had to happen to ruin it."

"Tell me, please." I pulled a puppy dog face.

McKenna tried to act mad, but then her frown turned into a huge grin. "Fine, I was going to take you to Mount Hancock. I was gonna take you hiking."

I laughed at the thought of me hiking. "You know how I an with any kind of exercise. But, thank you for the attempt. Plus, it's about 20 degrees outside. We would of froze to death."

McKenna smiled. "Yeah, I know. But, it could be a new experience for both of us."

I shrugged. "True." For a moment, we were silent. We were stranded in a town that we were not familiar with. I looked at the rear view mirror. I saw a couple of people.

I got out of the car and shut the door behind me.

"What are you doing?" McKenna yelled as she got out of the car as well.

I walked on the side walk and I saw an old couple. I approached them.

"Hello, I'm sorry to interrupt your walk, but me and my friend are lost. Do you know how we can easily get back to Keene from here." I asked the old couple.

"What are you-" McKenna ran up to me, but was cut off by the old women.

"Oh, honey. That's about an one hour drive from here." The women said.

"What city are we in?" McKenna asked.

The man answered. "New Boston. Where were you trying to go?"

McKenna looked down at the ground. "Lincoln, New Hampshire."

"Lincoln is more up north than New Boston." The old lady said.

"Can you please tell us how to get back to Keene? We're beyond lost."

The old man nodded. "We figured that out."

The old man describe the way back to Keene to McKenna, and she seemed to understand what he was saying.

"Thank you..?" McKenna said unsure what their surname was.

"Mr. Gordon."

I smiled. "Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon."

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