We found it!

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The sound came from a canon, which was straight across from me. I could see it through some bushes, so I woke Will. I told him that there were some soldiers and they had spotted us. That if we didn’t move now, we would be goners. With that he quickly got on his feet, called his dog and Tink, and we were off. We decided that in order to escape the soldiers we were going to have to hide behind a tree, or hide in a bush in order not to be seen.

            We finally got far enough ahead of them, so we could hide by a tree. We saw a big tree with lots of leafs and branches, which was right by a huge bush for the animals to hide, so we decided that we would hide in that tree. So we started climbing, and we just climbed, and climbed. We got to the top and hid behind some big leafs. We could hear the soldiers in front of the tree, and they had no clue where we were…We were safe.

            The day was going by fast. I decided to climb to the top, and see where we were. When I looked at the land in front of us, I spotted the farm! The farm that we had been looking for! It was about 50 miles out, and by the looks of it, it had not been occupied by another person. I quickly scrambled down the tree to Will: told him the news, and he was delighted.

            We decided that we would sleep by the tree that night, and in the morning we would make fast pace to the farm. It was a restless night for all of us. But at the first sight of day, we were on our way to the farm. It took us 4 hours to get to a place where we could see the farm without having to squint. We were all so happy! All the time that we had took to get here finally was worth it. We finally got to the door step of the farm, and then we walked in.

~~~ this is part 4 of 5. The last part is next! Please leave any suggestions or comments here! Thanks!

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