Chapter 2

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        She hadn't figured anything out yet. They'd been sitting in the same cafe for a solid twenty minutes waiting for the two young humans to fuck off, or simply stop staring. She noticed that Seven was getting more irritable by the minute, he hated when people stared, always claimed it was rude. Suddenly, his steely gaze flicked from a newspaper that laid on the table in front of him to Estelle, but this time, mischief swirled in his eyes. He was up to no good, and Estelle had no time for it quite yet. 

           "Why don't we just call them over and see what they want?" Seven suggested, tone suddenly teasing and lips twitching at the sides while he fought back a grin. 

        "Are you fucking du-" Of course, Seven cut her off by turning his eyes to the couple, catching the red heads eye and nodding his chin up once. Usually, it was a 'hello' or 'what's up' to most, but today it meant bring your ass here. He even raised a hand, curling his finger as an even more open invite. And just as he expected, she whispered to her partner, who turned his attention back to Seven, and then slid from her seat to stand. Estelle was at a loss for words, she knew he was an attractive being for sure, but to have this human slowly shuffle her way over, face red and hands shaking, was something she'd never seen before. Especially since he barely even did anything, he just nodded. Was it this easy for him when he was a human? She could only imagine what he was like before he died,  she knew he was some sort of war hero, was that what it was? 

     "Staring is rude." He said plainly once the girl was standing at the head of their table, eyes jumping from him to Estelle so fast that Seven was sure she was dizzying herself in some way. Her skin slowly turned a shade darker, and Estelle was sure that if this were a cartoon, steam would be coming from her ears in embarrassment. Her top lip trembled, and Estelle wasn't sure if she was about to cry or drool from the way her tongue kept sliding out to swipe across her trembling lips. 

    "Go get your boyfriend and tell him to come sit with us,  and quickly." Estelle commanded, though she tried to make her voice as soothing as she could. Like an adult speaking to a scared child, to not frighten her. Seven was too big of a man to be commanding young humans to do anything, so Estelle had to take it upon herself to do so. If not, they'd scare them away. She wasn't too sure why she invited them over but it seemed Seven didn't mind by the way his lip twitched into a barely there smirk, but he hid it well by taking a sip of his drink.  The girl nodded quickly, turning to where her boyfriend was sitting and they both watched her mentally debate whether to rum over and grab him or simply wave him over like an excited child. After four seconds of contemplation, she glanced back to them and speed walked to him, bending to whisper roughly in his ear. Now, it was his turn for his face to burn red, almost matching his hair. If Estelle didn't already have the handsome beast in front of her, she probably would've thought it was cute. 

       Almost in a rush, he stood from his seat and both humans made their way over. It seemed like they'd already talked about this and chose their seats before coming over too. The boy slid beside Estelle and the bold girl beside Seven. Their excitement was so noticeable it was almost sickening. 

       "So, the fuck do you want?" Seven started before taking a sip of his drink. He was so calm, as if having a casual conversation. Yet, Estelle felt like they were doing something they shouldn't. These humans seemed young, in high school even, and she didn't like them young. She watched them both stumble over their thoughts, their lips moved but words didn't escape them. Like their tongues were flapping yet, their brains would not work with them. It was amusing, yes, but felt like some type of soft core torture. Estelle raised a hand to her mouth to cover her amused chuckles, and Seven noticed quickly. His eyes slid to her, twinkling with amusement yet his face remained passive, something that only made Estelle chuckle even more. 

   "O-okay... This is going to sound very weird but-" The boy started, but then stumbled over his words again, as if he were embarrassed about what he was about to confess. This only made Seven a bit more interested, especially since he sat so close to Estelle already. Seven leaned forward just a bit, his broad shoulders angling in toward his chest to seem only a bit smaller as his eyes narrowed in on the boy. This only made him more red, more nervous.  

   "It's not that weird!" The girl jumped in to help him, she didn't stutter as much as he did, but her voice wavered even when it jumped a few octaves to speak over him. "See... I'm in  photography class in school and I wanted to ask Hemlin to take pictures of him, but you two... you two are so beautiful." She last few words escaped her lips like a breathless whisper, and her eyes seemed to widen just a bit with some type of wonder. It confused Seven for a moment, because he didn't necessarily smell any lust from her. From Hemlin, sure. But she actually seemed generally intrigued by them. 

  "I'm sorry to say, but we actually aren't very open to pictures, or videos for that matter." Estelle jumped in to decline as politely as she could. They knew that these humans could only see them because they allowed them to, Estelle wanted to seem normal for a bit after all. Even if they did take photos, they wouldn't be seen in them. If anything, they'd be seen as dark blurs, sometimes they'd mask their auras with something a bit more dark or demonic to make the humans stop their curious game of cat and mouse all of the time. It never worked, it made them more curious. So they always decided not to keep it up unless they were feeding off of the human in some way. Their fear, mostly. 

   They both watched as her face visibly dropped, and Estelle almost wanted to apologize again until she noticed the incredulous look on Seven's face. She knew it wasn't that he didn't believe her entirely, this was just a bit... odd. Probably not what he expected when visiting this realm. Teenage kids wanting to take photos of them? Not at all, not when he wanted to go to war. Not when he expected war. 

  "I told you it was weird." Hemlin grumbled beside Estelle. The corner of Seven's lip curled into a bit of a snarl, the girl was genuinely interested, and actually seemed a bit... sweet after the encounter. If Seven were still human, he was sure he would've taken her under his wing in a way. Did she have a father? A brother? It didn't seem so if she were outside with a tool like this one, who couldn't even fake being interested in her hobbies. Hemlin's face was pale and covered in freckles when he wasn't blushing from looking at Estelle, and Seven hated the pigment of it. He hated the sound of his voice. For a quick second, he questioned if the kid was old enough to sacrifice for Lilith. He already seemed a bit tainted after all, it wasn't like he would be killing an innocent person, right?

---- Authors Note ---

* This has been on hold for so long,I had to post just a bit of something. If you're reading this, it's never too late.*

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