A week had passed, Anna wasn't ready to tell Connor her answer. She got dressed, her long flowing red dress flowed over her body. An Connors silk black button up shirt tugged against his chest as he buttoned it. He loved watching her dress, it was one of those beautiful moments. He however today was nervous. He was meeting his friend, but not just any friend it was a old friend of his. They called him "The Dark Angel" he didn't like him but only for the simple fact that he was a trader, one minute but wanted to be close friends the next. Anna had to go with him but he really didn't want to. Angels and vampires are both powerful creatures. But angels were stronger. Created way before vampires. He turned to Anna " now you know who we are meeting today correct?" She shook her head " no I don't believe I do " Connor bit his lip "shit I forgot to tell her" he thought. How was he gonna tell her. How? Tell her that this guy was perfection that he was a mind fuck that he got what he wanted? "Anna he is a angel. But not those sweet ones that you think of. Not heaven sent or hell bound. A fallen. One of the most...beautiful creatures I must admit. " she looked at him. " are you afraid" He shook his head he didn't wanna lie but he didn't wanna show fear. He was suppose to be the protector the strong one "speaking of afraid...are you afraid to give me a answer to our conversation last night?" He asked. Anna swallows hard " I can try it. We can. See how it goes?" Connor smiles knowing he doesn't try he does. "Sure sure baby " he answers.
They leave and head to the mountains. Once there he calls on his friend. At first its silent. Calm. The air movement untouched. So silent you could hear the heart beat of Anna and the poison flowing through Connor. As Anna was about to speak loud beating noises ecoed the mountain tops. Suddenly as fast as she heard it was as fast as he landed. He stood slowly. His hair dark, skin perfect, wings large n black, his eyes beautiful hazel. It was him. The Dark Angel.