Commercialism and such

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Since the recent event of the super bowl, I have come to the conclusion that America is insane. Not that that wasn't already amazingly obvious, what with some people thinking Obama is a bear, the illuminati rule over all and fictional characters exist. Anyway, back to my conclusion, if someone were to go back in time and walk down the street in the middle of the Super Bowl they would see the magic of commercialism. Everyone is watching the game, except for the kids who don't give a crap and only like the commercials and the halftime show. Then BOOM Katy Perry is on a tiger.

The Super Bowl is a giant black hole of money being uselessly wasted on a sport that only about 60% of the country watches. You have the money for the halftime show, for the confetti at the end, for the FREAKING AIR PUMP FOR THE PATRIOTS. But especially the commercials. They cost around 3.8 MILLION for every 30 seconds. It is entertaining but ridiculous.

After much consideration, it has come to my attention that the only sane people in America are those who watched Shrek on tbs during the Super Bowl.

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