Things I don't understand

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I am a very confused and confusing person. I would like to share some of my confusion to confuse you people. We can die in mutual confusedness. That was a confusing sentence. Unlike lotus_rose7777777's story  this is just pure confusion. If you have any answers to my confusion, comment for me. Thank you! Love, moooostash


1. If Barbie has a huge closet, why does she only wear one outfit?

2. Why do men find women confusing, and women men? They are both equally understandable.

3.Why must girls go to the bathroom in crowds? It's just strange (though I admit to having done so myself)

4. Cats.

5. Algebra

6. Why every preschooler has a boyfriend/girlfriend.

7.Why cats seem to meow at precisely 2am every morning without fail.

8. Cats.

9. Cyanide and Happiness. The name itself is an oxymoron.

10. Why do some people have twenty of the same kind of EOS? You only need one.

11. Why can't phones have 10000% battery?

12. How is hairspray and/or perfume acceptable or healthy? They remove sharpie. That's like dousing  your hair and body in rubbing alcohol

13. Shipping Fees

14. The TARDIS

15.  Why do I have a alien named Bill in my living room?

16. Why almost no one has purple, deep blue or green, silver or yellow eyes (besides cats)

17. Why Rick Riordan is a troll

15. Why I just typed 15

19. Why does the brain forget? Where does this information disappear to?

20. Cucumbers and pickles

21. The Mark of Athena

22. Why does Target have everything? (not that I'm complaining)

23. The price of Essie and OPI

24. Why we make mouse poison when we have perfectly functioning cats

25.The show Fear Factor

26. What x equals

27. Why humans arn't adorable and fluffy

28. Why kids don't make shows and entertainment for kids?It would make more sense.

29. What the heck is in baby food?

30. Why tea tastes bad  and yet I drink it day after day

31. The point of chain mail and spam posts

32. Why perfect is not spelled P-E-R-C-Y-J-A-C-K-S-O-N

33. Why I like Bob and Jeff

34. The fact that funner is not an actual word

35. Why stoplights are red even when there is no one going on green

36. Emmylou's ship name for me and Bob

37. The Eccrine gland

38. Why birds get to be nidifugous

39. Why certain colors are considered boy colors(blue, green, red) and others are considered girl colors (purple, pink, yellow).

40. Why nouns are masculine or feminine in certain languages. Who cares if the wall seems more male. You don't know. Ask the wall.

41. Why people fing Stephen King books scary (The Shining, Misery) scary. It's more the movies.

42. What is up with those stuffed animals with huge sparkly eyes?

43. Why do classic books have to be so confusing and hard to read?

44. Why different nail polish removers are different colors. It does not matter what color it is.

45. Why little kids draw suns in the corner and skies as little strips of blue on the top of the page

46. How Bob Ross manages to make smudges look like masterpieces

47. The point of an Iphone 6. Just get a galaxies. Or a taco.

48. How tape companies manage to roll tape

49. How hair detangler works

50. Feathers

51. Physics

52. Why I can't remember most of my dreams

53. Why paper towels and toilet paper have designs on them. It's not as if it makes going to the bathroom or cleaning up messes more intresting

54. Why movies can't be as good as books

55. Why people call each other "bae". Bae is the Danish word for poop

56. Why listening to sad songs makes me feel better when I'm sad

57. How the shower makes my singing voice so much better

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