Chapter 1

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  Exiting Mototoske gym, a young trainer took a quick look at the large ring he got for the gym challenge. ‘Three already, huh?’ the boy thought, putting it back into his pocket. The gym challenge handled badges differently in the Galar region compared to others. Instead of having a case to put all your badges in, you’re handed an empty medal that you have to fill out by defeating the eight gym leaders of the year.

  Before the boy took a step forward, a voice shouted his name out from a distance. Turning around to see who had called his name, a taller boy came into view with a Greninja. “How’s the gym challenge going for ya, Slowpoke?” the tall boy jokingly asked. “I’m doing fine,” the other answered, walking passed by. “I just got my third gym badge, so I’m going to get my fourth.”

  The boy turned around to look at the taller boy. “Slowpoke,” was the last thing he said before heading off to Hammerlocke City, yet as he did, the taller boy stopped him. “Hey!” he shouted, trying to get the boy’s attention. “You know we’re rivals, right Kyle?” The original boy, whose name was Kyle turned back around to answer the question. “Yeah, of course.”

“Then let’s have our first battle in the Galar region right here. One on one, our partner only.”


“Hehe… This’ll be a piece of cake just like in Alola.”

“Alright, can we start this now, Ryan?”

“Yeah, we’ll have it right now!"

. . .

Outside the skirts of Motostoke, the two boys were about ready for battle. “Okay then Greninja, you’re up partner!” said Ryan, as his Greninja stepped forward. Kyle on the other hand, took his messenger bag off his shoulder and set it to the ground. “Alright, you can go out now!” he said, taking a step back from the bag to let whatever was inside come out. Out from the bag popped an Umbreon, ready to take action. “Now this is what I was hoping from my rival!” Ryan shouted excitedly as the battle commenced.

Between blows from both parties, the match still was even, though it was Kyle slightly had an advantage. “I see you learned from the Alola League,” Ryan chuckled. “It’s nice seeing that you now know what your Umbreon specializes in, but that’s not gonna be a problem for us.” And with that sentence, the Greninja kicked the Umbreon up into the air and on its way down, a kick to the side, sending the opponent sliding through the dirt.

“And another victory goes to me!” Ryan cheered to himself as he went off to congratulate his Greninja. Meanwhile, Kyle got to his Umbreon and sprayed a potion on it before wrapping bandages around and grabbing his bag. “Wanna go inside?” Kyle asked, opening the bag on the ground so that the Umbreon could get in, to which it reluctantly accepted. “I’m off to Hammerlocke now-”

“Oh no you don’t!”

Dashing right passed Kyle with his Greninja back in its PokeBall, Ryan was now in the lead again. “I am not letting you get ahead of me in this gym challenge,” Ryan warned. “Cause I am gonna be ahead.” After that statement, Ryan continued his dash towards Hammerlocke, leaving Kyle right behind as both were unaware of how their journey would go.

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