Chapter 4

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    The five were now back in Hammerlocke by noon now that they knew their way through Glimwood Tangle. “You know,” said Gabi. “I think it’s time that I split.” “Why’s that?” Ryan asked, earning a facepalm from Gabi. “I’m not going to leave town you dope,” she answered. “There’s a contest in Hammerlocke tonight if you didn’t know.”

    “So there’s a contest here too, ey?” Volk wondered aloud. “Hey, Shinx!” Volk looked up his hat. “Ya wanna see tha contest?” His Shinx let out an excited “Shinx” to say yes. “Then it looks like Cinderace and I will have to give it our all to show Shinx how much fun contests can be!” Gabi said whole heartedly.

“Oh?” Someone asked. “You’re taking on the contest too?” A rather simple dressed but neat boy came by, an Espeon by his side. “Um, yeah,” Gabi answered, taken back by the sudden appearance.

“Well then that makes me your opponent then, isn’t that right Espeon?”

The Espeon nodded with its trainer, before noticing a bag rustling from Kyle. “Hm?” The trainer noticed too, looking at the bag as well. Right before Kyle could ask the trainer a question, the Espeon put a paw on the bag, its guess correct as the bag moved again. “Do you somehow have an Umbreon with you?” the trainer asked. This shocked everyone around him, the bag moving violently to prove his point.

“What makes you think so?” asked Kyle. He knew that he was caught.

“If you put your bag down, then I may be able to prove my point.”

Reluctantly setting his bag down, Kyle left it there as the trainer and his Espeon went to work by opening it up. “Bre?!” Kyle’s Umbreon came out of the bag from the reveal. “It seems that I was correct,” the trainer spoke again, before realizing. “Ah! How impolite of me!”

Everyone else was in shock on what they just witnessed.

“I’m sorry I had been so rude to you! You see, I have a bit of a tendency to try and guess what Pokemon a trainer has if they’re out in the open. Here’s my league card, my name is Cleese. My apologies.”

“Um, uh, thank you?”

“There’s no need to be polite to me, but may I ask to battle you and your Umbreon?”

“Wait just a moment!” Ryan interrupted. “I’m his rival so you have to fight me first!”

“Is that so? Then let us fight however you want.”

“Fine by me, because we’re doing one-on-one.”

“I’ll be the ref!” Josh walked towards the middle as the rest watched. “Alright! Now we can start!” Ryan threw out a Pokeball, releasing a Polteageist. “So you’re going after my disadvantage,” said Cleese. “That’s going to be no problem, isn’t it, Espeon?” “Espeon!” The Espeon went up to face Ryan’s Pokemon.

“Okay! Let the battle begin!”

Right immediately at the start of the battle, Ryan’s Polteageist began with a Phantom Force. “I’m going to show you just how outmatched you are right off the bat!” What Ryan got wasn’t what he expected. Cleese was perfectly fine. “Alright then Espeon, use Trick Room!” Following the order, Cleese’s Espeon set up a magical box around the field.

This threw Ryan off his game as his confidence shrank.

“Now use Substitute!” 

Another Espeon appeared on the field. “Try to hit the both of them!” Ryan said. ‘This has gotta work!’ A devastating blow only landed on one of the Espeons. ‘That has to be the one!’ The Espeon that took the hit soon disappeared, leaving both the trainer and Pokemon dumbfound.

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