Ahlam's POV

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Three months have past after our Umrah, July has come by soo quickly, the summer holidays are around the corner. Subhanallah I find it absolutely amazing! What Allah Swt has planned. If somebody told me last year that I'd be married and have my dream job. And have the house of my dream I would probably laugh in their face if I'm honest. It shows that Allah is the best of planners. I've actually never been soo happy I'm my life Alhamdulilah.

A lot has been running through my mind recently, we have been trying for a baby for nearly a year now. And I'm still not pregnant, for many people wanting to get pregnant at twenty three probably seems mad, but I want to experience motherhood whilst I'm young and youthful. Sometimes I feel bad for wanting everything to happen so quickly. I personally know of a couple who had been trying for seventeen years and then had their miracle baby. This makes me think of how impatient I am and that Allah Swt will make my duas come true when the time is right.

But each time we go and visit Afiyah and her baby girl Aizah, when I see them I can't help but yearn for a baby. Today I've  decided to go and visit the doctors to see if there was anything they could do for me. I feel bad for going without telling Ayman but I'm desperate to know what's going on.

I had made it to the doctors, I was waiting for my name to be called out. "Ahlam Rahman to room number seven please!!!!!". Dr Khan's voice shouted through the speaker.

"Hi what can I help you with today?" Thank god Dr Khan was a lady else I wouldn't feel comfortable talking to a man about something like this. "Well me and my partner have been trying for a baby for almost a year but I'm still not pregnant, I was wondering is this normal? Is there anything you could do to find out?".

"This is a slightly concerning matter as you are only in your early twenties. You have been trying for almost a year, most couples in their twenties would successfully be pregnant after trying for a year. We should run a blood test and we will take it from there, I will call you in a weeks time to let you know the results".

"Okay thank you!".

If I'm honest I'm feeling slightly worried after talking to the doctor, I decided to keep this from Ayman until I get the blood test results. Hmm Ayman's going to be suspicious about where I've been because today is Friday and I'm usually home before him. So maybe I'll go and grab us a takeaway, to cover my tracks. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

I had arrived home with the burgers, I could see Ayman's car parked on the drive way. I made my way into the house. "Salaam Ayman!!! Where are you". "I'm in our room!!". I left the food in the kitchen and walked up to our room. I walked in a found him reciting Surah Baqarah in his beautiful voice. Ayman recites 143 ayahs and I recite 143 ayahs. Because Surah Baqarah is made up of 286 ayahs.

In the Hadith Abu Hurayrah narrated
that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Do not turn your houses into graves. Indeed Ash-Shaitan does not enter the house in which Surat Al-Baqarah is recited." (Tirmidhi). Ayman is a Hafiz he could easily read whole Surah on own but I want to take part in reciting it as well. So it's only fair if I recite half and he recites half.

I walked up to him and leaned my head against his shoulder, his recitation is absolutely beautiful. He stopped reciting to take a breather. I took this chance to close the gap between us, I closed my eyes and savoured the feeling of his soft lips on mine. "How was work". "Alhamdulilah it was good, theres a week left of term and the students are starting to play up to be honest, thank god the holidays are next week".

"I brought burgers for dinner today from high street come let's go eat!". I heard Ayman chuckling at my excitement, he knows how much I love food. I had demolished my burger within five minutes. The cheeky monkeys in my class make me work up an appetite.

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