Ahlam's POV

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I quickly turned of my alarm, it was Tahajjud time. I shook Ayman beside you wake up so that we can pray Tahajjud together. "Ayman get up! Let's pray Tahajjud". I shook him over and over. This guys sleeps like the dead. I couldn't wait any longer, so I decided to get water and sprinkle it on his face.

"Whhattt, what! happened", "nothing happened wake up so we can pray Tahajjud together!". I went to make wudhu and came out I screamed when I saw Ayman standing by the bathroom door. "You scared the life out of me!!". "I knew I was going to fall back to sleep so I got out of bed! And waited until you were out of the bathroom".

I laid out the prayer mats, mines was slightly behind Ayman's. Ayman came out of the bathroom and slipped on his black thawb. Ayman had started the jamaat, Subhanallah his voice is beautiful, I had tears steaming down my face, when Ayman started reciting some ayahs from Surah Ibrahim. "And he gave you all what you ask him, and if you count the favours of Allah Swt, you will not be able to enumerate them. Indeed mankind is verily unjust and grateful". (Quran 14:34). This ayah is soo true, we as humans are ungrateful. Subhanallah, we are sooo lucky that we are Muslims. Allah Swt mercy towards us is infinite.

"What's got you soo deep in your thoughts". Ayman asked. "I was thinking of the ayah that you recited from Surah Ibrahim. About how we as humans are ungrateful of Allah Swt blessings and bounty". "Shall we recite Surah Muzammil, it's really beneficial to recite after Tahajjud". "Yeah Bismillah!".

"I have planned our first ever date today! I'm excited I hope you enjoy it. But that's later in the evening, first we can drop mama and baba to the airport. Do you want to come with or stay at home?". "Nah I'll come, it's going to be boring at home alone".

I had just woken up it was half past eight, I turned to see Ayman not there. Hmm I wondered where he had gone. I brushed my teeth and slipped my bathrobe on. Im soo glad that Ayman doesn't have any brothers! I can waltz downstairs without having to put my hijab on.

I walked downstairs to see Aunty Khadijah all stressed out. "Aunty whats wrong!", "beta call me mum or ummi, I see you as my daughter. And i'm really annoyed at having to Pakistan on such short notice. Look at all of these clothes! it's a mess! I'm on the verge of a meltdown!".

"Its fine ummi, your flight leaves in six hours which means we have three hours to get everything packed and sorted!". "Beta your a lifesaver!". Two hours later me, Ayman and ummi had managed to fix the mess that was all over the place. Ammi and abba's suitcases were now nicely organised and packed! "ummi quickly go have a bath and sort yourself out. You have an hour left before you guys need to be at the airport!. I'll make something for you guys to eat before you guys leave!". "Beta your such a sweetheart! I feel so bad for making you  do all of this, on your first day here". "Well ummi you said you see me as your daughter! I see you as my mama and I would do exactly the same thing for her. Now hurry up! Your going to end up missing the flight".

Now was my opportunity to showcase my cooking skills to my in laws. I decided to rustle up a quick shakshuka with prantha's. Hopefully they'll enjoy it! I was about to crack the eggs into the shakshuka when I yelped in surprise. I felt a pair of arms embrace me from behind. I turned my head to see Ayman looking at me with an emotion that I couldn't decipher. "Ayman! let go don't you feel embarrassed what if ummi or abba walk in!".  "No I definitely don'y feel embarrassed your my wife and I guess they can put up with this for a little while. Because me and Afiyah had been raised always seeing mama and baba embracing each other, or coming home from school to see them both curled up on the sofa together. Back then we used to find it awkward. But if I'm honest it showed me how your supposed to treat your wife properly. And for Afiyah it showed her to never settle for a man less than her worth!".

"Okay you've made your point, but I wouldn't mind you doing it if they weren't here, but it's going to make me cringe soo hard if they walk in and see us!". "Your wish is my command babes!". "Can I help you?". Ayman asked. "Yeah sure! Cut the coriander to go on top of the shakshuka".

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