Ahlam's POV

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"Beta if you don't hurry up, were going to be late to the Islamic class your dad and I have been waiting for ages, get down now!!"

"Coming mum two seconds I was just making wudhu, I quickly bounded down the stairs come on let's go then!!" I screamed. We finally set off, we usually go to this Islamic class every Friday night from six pm to eight pm, it's really good Alhamdulilah it teaches us a lot about the deen and how to become better Muslims. It's even better because we get to go as a family because baba doesn't work on Fridays, so he gets to come with us.

We entered the Islamic institute and put our shoes on the rack, me and mama went to the ladies side and baba went to the men's side. We took a seat by the wall so we could lean our backs against it. The people started filling in, a few minutes later a two ladies and the cutest little toddler came in and sat next to us. "As - Salaamu Alaykum" I greeted both ladies, both of which replied. I asked the lady who looks roughly twenty six, "what's your name sister?", "my names Afiyah" she replied in a sweet voice, "what's your name?", "my name is Ahlam" I replied.

"Do you and aunty come to this Islamic class often, because I have never seen you guys here before". Afiyah replied "yeah we come every week but we usually sit at the back of the hall, that's probably why we have never met before, we come with baba and my brother I spend most of my time at mama and baba's because my husband is a pilot and I'm often left home alone with my son when he's away on his travels".

"I know this is random Afiyah but I love children soooo can I play with your son he's soooo cute Mashallah!!!!"

"Sure no problem! , here you go! the little munchkin is called Luqman". "Hellooooo!!! I cooed in little Luqman's face, he showed me his beautiful smile, awwhhhhh baby!!! Your soo adorable, whose the cutest boy, whose the cutest boy!!" Luqman giggled, he leaned his head against my chest it was official my heart had turned into putty. I turned my head to the front to watch the Islamic scholar speaking, I looked to see Luqman sleeping I laid him down on my lap to sleep.

I could hear my mum and Aunty Khadijah talking, Aunty Kahdijah goes "she's going to make a beautiful mother one day inshallah! Hai Na Yasmin? Little did she know what Allah Swt had in store for them...

The Islamic talk was finished and little Luqman was still fast asleep on my lap, I asked Afiyah "shall I carry him to the car he might wake up if I pass him over to you". "I don't want to cause you any inconvenience but I would appreciate it! If you could carry him to the car because I don't want him to wake up now."

We reached the car and I put Luqman in his car seat, I hugged Aunty Khadijah and Afiyah and stroked Luqman's hair . They were a lovely family and I hope to meet them again next week inshallah.

We finally got into the car and baba was telling mama and I about how he met a friend and his son that he's known for a long time at the Islamic class. Uncle Suleiman and his son Ayman. Baba then started telling us about uncle Suleiman and how he has a daughter and a grandson named Luqman, I was thinking wow what a small world it is!

Authors Note :

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Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

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