Ahlam's POV

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It was night time I was lying in my bed, I had made the intention to wake up for Tahajjud. I set my alarm for two AM in the morning, Inshallah I am able to wake up and pour my heart out to Allah Swt. Before there has been times where I have made dua at Tahajjud and it literally comes true the next day. The power of Tahajjud is absolutely surreal, I cannot explain how powerful it is.

The reason as to why I am waking up for Tahajjud today is because I am tired of sitting at home I know I only graduated a few months ago, but I have applied for numerous jobs and have got rejected each time I'm not sure what makes all of the employers turn me away!

Alhamdulilah I managed to wake up for Tahajjud today, the feeling is indescribable knowing that Allah Swt chose me to pour my heart out to him makes me feel on top of the world. I made wudhu and prayed 6 rakahs of Tahajjud, I then cried and begged Allah Swt! To grant me this job that I had applied for at an Islamic primary school in our area.

I prayed Fajr and went back to sleep, hoping to hear back from the job that I had applied for within the next few days.

I heard a knock on the door, I ran down to open it, "Aminahhhhhh!!, Yay boo come in let's go watch some depressing movies on Netflix and eat junk!". You must be wondering who Aminah is well she is my cousin by more like a sister, as I am an only child it used to get soo boring all alone but I always had Aminah she's more like a sister. She's my go to person when needing support or even just a shoulder to lean on.

We picked a ton of junk from the snack drawer and went up to my room. I logged into Netflix and we chose to watch Miracle in cell number seven, to this day I can't find a movie which could compare to this. It was safe to say I was all cried out. (AN: seriously tho guys you have to watch this movie it's bloody amazing!)

"Ahlaaaaammm and Aminahhhh come and eat   the food is ready!!", mama shouted from the bottom of the stairs. Mama had made lamb karahi with parantha's my favourite was made today.

Aminah had gone home, me and mama had washed and put away the dishes and finally sat down to watch our favourite Pakistani drama, Jalan. It was such a twisted drama totally different to the normal cliches I love watching.

Authors Note:

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Till next time,
Allah Hafiz 💕

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